Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Usury 2 - World Game

"...the real enemies of humanity: hunger, illiteracy, lack of health care, environmental degradation and 'you or me' thinking. "

Just back from the Middle East, so it is time to get the logistics sorted out for Wednesday's Movie Nite in Singapore. Amazing that I organised everything else via the Internet! Thanks to technology.
I managed to borrow the projector from a friend and now am to test it at Joo Hock's hair salon. He is going to close his shop earlier so that we can watch the show there! Isn't that sweet?
As we were setting up the laptop and projector, we discussed about the Bucky (Buckminster Fuller) Programme we will be attending this coming weekend (13-15 July 07) at Penang Hill, Malaysia and that Datuk Lim (the organiser) used to work with Bucky himself on the World Game.
What is amazing about the "World Game" is that the players are supposed to solve simulated world problems by role play, without resorting to using money as a tool to make money, but instead, design ecologically sustainable solutions.
Bucky's game was intended to be a tool that could be used by people around the world to understand and develop solutions to what he called the real enemies of humanity: hunger, illiteracy, lack of health care, environmental degradation and "you or me" thinking.
At this point, Joo Hock handed me a ripped out chapter "World Game", from one of Bucky's books - "Critical Path". I started reading the chapter, whilst Joo Hock went back to do his customer's hair. The opening paragraphs are astonishingly revolutionary! It talks about how the current economy makes money with money and that it is not a representation of real wealth. Astonishing because this is what most of our banks are doing!!! And that, in the United States, many people work for such industries that are not creating real wealth, but yet travel to office every morning burning fossil fuels contributing to a total estimated costs of US$3 trillion wasted every day!
I have asked to borrow the chapter back to read and digest, and I am going to get it today. Funny enough, I once borrowed the book, "Critical Path" from the Theosophical Society Singapore Lodge, but found it an extremely daunting book to follow and returned it after the first few pages. Very dense in content. I will try harder to comprehend better this time round, so more later...
Past Posts: Usury , Bucky Group, Bucky Group 2

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