Sunday, August 12, 2007

Technology Part 2 - Automatic Translation

Vacuum State is increasingly receiving more 'tourists' from many diverse linguistic backgrounds. Some of you may be delighted to know that you can now also read the posts here in your native tongue. You can do this by going to and entering the as the webpage to translate and choosing "English to YourLanguage".
Here are some examples:
For Chinese translation, click:

For Japanese translation, click:
For Korean translation, click:
For French translation, click:
For German translation, click:
For Spanish translation, click:
For Portuguese translaction, click:

The translations are quick and free-of-charge to the user. Isn't it wonderful?!
A big "Thank-You" to Google for providing both the translation and blogging facilities for free.
The Web and the Internet has absolutely revolutionise how I am living my life. I now find it easier to buy my books online, since many of them I want are specialist publications; and also to make friends with people of similar interests via online social networks. Lately for instance, I have been able to meet a group of Returned Overseas Singaporeans in Singapore (ROSS) and also to get back to studying Japanese with a group of enthusiasts in Singapore via a social portal called
I now plan my cycling trips using Google Earth and find my way around during the trip by referring to online maps using my mobile phone. Photos taken on the fly during the trip can also be sent to my friends instantly. Perhaps I should try posting them to Vacuum State instantly and do some real-time blogging! :)
Technology is wonderful. However, like money, we must make them (technology/money) work for us and not conversely to be enslaved by them. :)
Past post: Technology

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