Monday, October 15, 2007

Bucky Group 11 - Videos about Bucky

Buckminster Fuller World Game Synergy Anticapatory
Warning: This is a very long monotonous video lasting 55 mins, but do listen out for the gems of information from Bucky's analysis of the Universe.

I have summarised the video to aid your comprehension:
  • (Very humbly) He is really a demonstration of what an average healthy individual is capable of achieving given the faculties and resources and makes up his mind to face up to various challenges, and not going in the way of what the game of money and politics may bring.
  • By working with nature's design and the evolution of consciousness to bring forth maximum benefits to humanity
  • The discovery of principles requires the use of the mind, not just the brain. The brain is for cloning and case information that are internal and finite. The mind has the capability to discover infinite relationships leading to common principles.
  • Principles have no beginning or end. They are eternal, non-contradicting, inter-accommodating and concurrently operative. To work with these principles is akin to 'design'.
  • The Universe is vast, with chemical abundance enough for everyone, and scarcity is a fallacy.
  • The Earth is a nett importer of energy from the Sun, which has provided us with energy stored in plants and algae now existing below the ground as fossil fuels. Energy changes from one form to another, it never got created or destroyed. Energy is eternally re-generative.
  • Humans and animals consume these vegetation for energy.
  • In order for the Universe to be eternally re-generative, there need to have local sensing of information to solve problems based on universal principles.
  • Our game on Earth is problem solving
  • There is a planetary design priority that includes environmental control like the geodesic dome, which is designed to take snow, hurricane and earthquake loadings.
  • Past design preceives building as fortresses and aeroplanes as weapons.
  • We should move from weaponry to 'living-ry'.
  • There is enough resources and knowledge to get on with such design priorities.
  • There are enough metals above the ground to be recycled to serve our needs, especially considering the advent of new alloys that stand up to higher stresses, therefore doing more with less.
  • Example 1: A quarter tonne satellite dish now functions what is done by 175,000 tonnes of copper cable in telecommunications.
  • Example 2: The Japanese' recycling of the armaments left over by the Americans after World War 2.
  • Due to floods, wars and famines, human kind has wrongly believe in scarcity. That's what all politics is based on - scarcity. So politicians persuade you to join them or elect them so that you come up on top against the others, creating the 'You vs Me' mentality.
  • Now having discovered and knowing that there is enough to go around, that most people are now literate and have access to information and can communicate, politics is now OBSOLETE!
  • Politicians are in such a bind as politics are inherently corruptible, as it is based on the belief of scarcity and involves trickery to tamper with the truth. It has always been like that, but now it is out in the open as the young now does not put up easily with lies and likes to do their own thinking. They have repeatedly hear things told to them proven wrong in front of their own eyes. eg. That it is "impossible to fly", then they see the Wright brothers taking off in the sky.
  • Nations are also based on a 'you' vs 'me' mindset. This is offset by multi-national companies where national sovereignty matters much less. In time, nationalism will make less sense and nations will become irrelevant.
  • Technology will be producing wealth, using less and less of human labour.
  • Mass production would not have been possible without mass distribution, which would not have been possible without mass consumption, which would not have been possible without mass marketing.
  • The fear of machines taking over labour is unfounded. This is due to the conditioning that one has to 'earn for a living', this is again a belief in scarcity. So we had 6-9 year old going to work in the mines in the past, but now thankfully they go for their education. Then they will be automatically included to live in this planet and let the machines do the production and think about how to make the Earth work.
  • Everyone will be put on salary. There are economic models (not communism) that let the citizenry own the means of production. This would have been the status-quo, if we had not started the present unfair accounting system. (For more information read World Game.)
  • But really we don't own anything, as we are already part of this extra-ordinary re-generating system (the Universe).
  • That with broadband cable television and computers, the future university will be one that produces a lot of documentary videos to educate its students that are dispersed all over the country or the world, as they stay in gainful employment. Note that that this video was captured in mid 1974. Fast forward to Year 2007 and doesn't this sound like YouTube? :)


... about our ability to give everyone a better quality of life by 1985

... about Bucky's inventions and his life, click here
... about Bucky's experiment with his own life for 50 years on behalf of humanity

... building a tensegrity

... the Dymaxion Car



... about the Dymaxion Map, click here
... about sending all the politicians around the world a free ride around the sun


... an Apple Video that includes Bucky... "Think Different"


  1. Great summary! Very helpful to capture Bucky's inspiring observations! Otherwise, indeed I find myself not at all time present....

  2. Yes, thanks to Youtube. It is now one of my research tool to find useful videos that illustrate my posts. In a way, it is what Bucky said about future universities being documentary production studios that distant learning students will tap on.

    The difference here is that the studio documentaries are made by many people and shared on a repository in Cyberspace.
