Friday, November 16, 2007

Tao 2

This is an excerpt of a talk by a Tao master on the 15th Nov 2007 evening in Singapore.
[1st draft status, still some typos...]
Warning: This part contains opinions that may be considered unacceptable by some people. If you are easily offended by unconventional views about religion and spiritualism, then DO NOT READ FURTHER THAN HERE. If you do, then do it at your own risk! If you do not agree with the views expressed below, it does not mean that you have not 'arrived', rather it just mean that you 'do not agree'. Meanwhile, try to be open. There are lots to discover about ourselves when we are open. Do feel free to leave comments. BELIEVING IS NOT NECESSARY!
Though I have written this post as a first person dialogue basis to make it more readable, it is not the actual words in ad-verbatim and any errors expressed are mine. I have however taken great care to keep the content as accurate as possible to my best ability.
Me: Must energy always circulate? Can we stop energy from circulating? For instance, can we seal air in a bottle and stop the energy from circulating?
This is a good question which I have ever discussed with a Brazilian physicist.
Can we store air in a sealed bottle? Yes, we can because air is matter. We can store and move the matter, but did we move the space? Can we move space? [Matter and space are distinctly different.] If we can move space, then wouldn't there be a 'hole' in space? The reality is that we cannot move space.
If we examine an atom, there is a space within the orbit of the electrons. What is this space? Is it vacuum, nothingness or emptiness? Up till today, scientists cannot determine what this space is.
So what is 'energy'?
Energy is the movement of atoms and electrons. Nobody knows what is in the centre between the electron's orbit. This centre is the energy. But where does this 'energy' come from? It is an emptiness, but yet the source of all energy. But is it really 'empty'? This cannot be explained with science. This is beyond physics. This is energy beyond the physical form.
The study of this 'energy' can only be done looking at the spiritual realm. This 'energy' is the spirit, the explosion of energy and therefore the 'will of god'. No one can stop energy. No one can dig a hole in space, so energy will always flow. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It only transforms.
I have spoken to a construction engineer and he told me that if he mix cement and water, seal it tight with plastic, it will still dry and harden, without the water evaporating into air. So what happened to the water. This water has undergone chemical change with the cement and hardened, but yet not turned into ice. This is an evidence that energy can be transformed.
There are two sides of 'energy', namely: The Physical form coming from electrons and the nucleus. We can break these energies; the other is the 'Will' (spirit). You cannot break spirit. Buddhists called this buddha-nature. This cannot be broken. It is more powerful than physical energy, even nuclear energy. Solar energy, the most powerful energy source in the solar system is still a physical energy.
So, as energy cannot be created and therefore cannot be destroyed, the soul doesn't die. The soul doesn't die because it is not material. If you understand this, you would understand eternity. The soul lives on, but changes form (via reincarnation). These forms are your illusions, as the real soul cannot be seen.
The physical body is an accumulation of molecules. However this accumulation requires a strength to put all these elements together. What is this strength? This strength is the spirit. Buddhists call this 'karmic force'.
When we get the ancient cultures to explain these things, the ancient spirits explained it using ancient metaphors. In Western societies, the New Age cultures tend to explain it more scientifically.
Me: Does the spirit gets recycled?
Yes it does. The spirit gets recycled back into the same world, but with new activities. It is like the same teacher and classroom but with new lessons. Here 'world' does not just refer to the earth but to the dimensions. [Honestly, I am a bit lost here with the mention of world and dimensions. ]
So, what is our purpose on Earth? Why are we here? What's our 'will', our 'goal'? If we do not have will or goal, we wouldn't be here.
There are two pursuits: one is the earthly knowledge like science, the other is the spiritual knowledge. Both categories of knowledge are already here. The former propounded by scientists and the latter taught by spiritual gurus. If you have got both categories of knowledge, why are you still here? You are here to teach. To teach the many who hasn't attained those knowledge. Many are unaware of their 'will'.
Buddhas' and sages' powers lie in the energy in meta-physics. It is in their wisdom. In their wisdom, there is energy and light. There are three dimensions of Light, namely:
- Solar, which is physical light
- Wisdom
- Love
[My note: I never thought of 'wisdom' as power, but now that it is mentioned, it is obvious.]
Light is an unstoppable flow. The dimension of Light that is most lacking in today's world is 'Love'. Love is very powerful. Where there is life, there is love.
There is this hidden energy in everyone. This energy needs to be initiated. In Tao, we initiate this hidden energy so that you can realise your mission. It is like lighting up a candle.
For instance, during the Vietnam War in the 60s and 70s, the Vietcongs unleashed their hidden energy because they were fighting for their country and their families. However, the Americans then didn't have the same vigour as their 'hidden energy' were not lighted up. So, the US Government motivate their troops by using 'glory'. Westerners like that. They can be motivated by 'glory'.
Similarly, foreign labourer workers work very hard, because they are providing for their family. This lights up their 'hidden energy'.
So what motivates sages?
Sages are motivated and stimulated by Love.
There is life force in everything - in trees, rocks and all material, even objects like cups. The American Red Indians are said to be able to communicate with trees and grass. But we don't know how to do the same. May be we will be able in future.
In the example about the cup, there is no life in the elements that make the cup, but there is life force that put the cup together.
Me: But does the cup have intelligence?
Yes they do. But, what is 'intelligence'? All materials have their own nature and it can manifest itself, its intelligence. Otherwise, how can the clay become cups? Did we transform the clay into cups or it transform itself? They have their own nature.
[My note: This is very close to what Bucky said about man-made material or alloys and that all materials are natural, for if nature does not allow it, the man-made creation cannot happen.]
It is easier for us to think of something as alive, when we see it moves, when there are changes and activities. When it is at rest, we tend to think it has no life. Even if they are bacteria or cells, because they pulsate and move. But remember, the matter itself has no life. It is the force that puts it together that is life.
During the Big Bang, there were no germs, no cells,...etc. Everything has no life form. There was only energy force. The first forms were elements. But life already exists. They exists in rocks, earth, the air...etc. So life force is everywhere. It is just that we can't communicate with them.
There are religions that criticise the Buddhists for praying to idols. That there can be evil in the idols. If what they claim, then there is spirit in the idol (even if it is said to be an 'evil' one - evil spirit). However, likewise the Christians have the Cross. This Cross, symbolic of Christianity is also made of matter and so is the holy water. If these matter can be holy or spiritual, then the statues and figurines that Buddhists are also made of matter. They too can be spiritual. If the thoughts of its devotees are good thoughts, then there will be good spirits in the statues. Evil thoughts will manifest evil power. Likewise, the Christian Cross and holy water can also be evil, if the believers have evil thoughts.
So, fundamentally, the 'Will' is the spiritual power.
God created the world in nature. There was no human thought involved. In Tao, it is referred to as 'non-action'. That means that the natural system is not to be interfered with. We shall not dwell too much into what 'nature' is, as we have not discussed about its contents. We will talk more about that next time.
If you don't want to believe in god, you still need to believe in 'nature'. If you believe in god, you still have to believe in 'nature'.
In physics, all substances have their own usage, because they have their own nature. Basically, all substances are made up of the Five Basic Elements. When you are born, you have a combination of the Five Basic Elements. This combination determines your lifestyle and destiny. It creates all your manifestations.
The elements of Spirit are: loyalty, filial piety, propriety and righteousness. That's why the educated ones in ancient China does not need to use force. Cultured people do not shout in meetings. In ancient China, they used to communicate using poems. If you don't know poems you cannot communicate with them. It is like you need to know the language before being ascended to talk at the cultured level. Like a lawyer needs to learn to speak legalese in the courts. So, if we do not have culture and use physical force, then we are reduced to the lower elemental levels.
If you go against your own nature, you are destroying your own destiny. For instance, a happy person is constructive, whilst a sad person is destructive - destructive his own life and destiny.
This is also reflected in facial features. In the world, Chinese facial features are more balanced than other races. Features are a result of culture, which is the lifestyle of the race. When culture changes, facial features of the race changes. So we see the younger generations in Singapore now have more refined features than us, and especially with the earlier generations. The older folks of the past have disproportionate facial features, like drooped eyes, buck teeth, crooked noses...etc.
Even Chinese people who now live in different parts of the world look different. Chinese from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and the United States look different.
The Blacks in the United States are also becoming a more and more handsome race.
Vietnamese today are short and thin, but in 20 to 30 years from now, they will be different, as their country's economy is now progressing well.
So, to understand the destiny of a country, look at the facial features of the people.
Generally, high-bridged nose persons, like the Greeks, are artistic. Those with pointed noses are perfectionists. If they are very narrow (not much flesh), it means that they don't have much money. Anyone that talks about art and philosophy are usually poorer. So you you meet one with very rounded and fleshy nose tip, don't try to talk philosophy and art with them. Chances are that they will not be interested.
Cambodia today is a very poor country. But recently, they have discovered oil and other minerals in their country. In coming years, Cambodia will be on the way to become a rich country. Many other Asian countries will become rich. This is because they have resources, culture and spirituality.
The West will get poorer, because they have little resources, weak culture and little emphasise on spirituality.
[My note: Later on, I told the master that the Europeans do have cultures unlike what he said earlier, and the master replied that their prevailing culture however mainly surrounds Christianity and not embracing the wider philosophies of the ancient Greeks. Only the Greeks embraced deeper philosophies in their culture. My personal view is that most young people do not go to churches in Europe any more, and that the Christian practice generally do not encourage unceasing questioning and challenging of its own doctrines and beliefs.
This is unlike the Eastern religions which are freer and open to debates. In particular, Buddha specifically asked its followers not to believe anyting he said unless they have experienced the truth themselves and are comfortable to accept them freely.
However, this is not to say that Christianity is not true. Here we are referring to its practices. ]
In the coming years, China will export its philosophy to the world, as a contribution to humanity. In history, the Chinese are very protective of their ancient philosophies, as they did not want such knowledge to benefit their enemies. But now, China has no enemies and it is time to export their philosophy and culture.
Me: But I can't see that in China today.
Yes, we can't feel that yet, as such philosophies are not inculcated to the masses yet.
Blind spots
No one can see all angles of the world. This is so in individuals, cultures, religions, science...etc. This is because our views does not cover all dimensions. Thus, we have to compensate for this by using the views of others. Sometimes, we can view an issue from the animals, plants, Buddhas and sages points of view.
The talk ended here. It lasted two hours.
After that, while we had a light supper of pizzas, the master told us that we come to Earth for a purpose. But as we are reincarnated, we forget. So, as we went along we learned the lessons and face the challenges that we wanted to face. We only understand those lessons or challenges after everything is over. There are some who knows a bit before hand, but those are things they need to know. Perhaps the spirit gives some hints for us to move forward otherwise we will be completely lost.
So the spirit is talking to us, but we have to listen. If it is something we have learned before, we will take it up very fast. Things which we have not learned before in previous incarnations, we will take longer to learn. There are also some who dare not thread into new realms of knowledge. Some Christians I have known are very uncomfortable with challenging their own doctrines. Some people who meditate are afraid when they reach a certain state of the mind. They are afraid to enter a new world where they are totally unfamiliar. So such is the adventure to re-discover ourselves.

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