Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Gross National Happinesss 2

This is a letter that my friend Clinton has sent to the local newspapers on the 26th Jan 2006, in the aftermath of the tragic Tsunami devastation in South East Asia.
The Editor
Forum Page
Dear Sir,
“ NATURE at its worst, humanity at its very best” ( ST, Jan 26 ) was thought-provoking and warrants some postulations, some possible solutions.
The tsunami taught the world two key lessons – how small and inter-connected our “global village” is and the power of globalisation. Just as it had “globalised” 11 countries in less than 24 hours, mankind responded magnificently and was equal to the challenge, as unprecedented compassionate aid was globalised to the affected areas in double-quick time.
One month later, many – myself included – are left wondering not only why nature reared its ugly head so devastatingly, but perhaps with much gratification, why mankind responded so compassionately, so magnanimously.
Scientists tell us that everything in the universe is a movement of energy. And nothing is 100 per cent solid. Under a very powerful microscope, at the sub-atomic level, everything and everyone vibrates, at different frequencies.
Mankind comprises two words – man and kind. Man was born kind – a sub-property of love, which is one of the two most basic and powerful of our emotions ( the other is fear ).
Man is a total energy system, not just comprising cells, fluids and bones. Within us, too, is an energy system of thoughts, feelings and emotions. Love, which vibrates at the highest level, is capable of converting lower energies and possibly impacting everyone, whether close by or far away.
So, like it or not, at the spirit or soul level, everyone on Planet Earth is connected. Each one of us is like a scoop of the mighty ocean. Humanity is one immense, infinite, immortal soul. And that is one key reason for the outpouring of love, compassion, empathy and sympathy.
The other possible reason is that for most people, contentment and happiness are not measured by just material wealth alone. Equally important is for one to be fulfilled mentally, emotionally and spiritually. And this in itself is a cry for help… for love, for happiness.
World leaders would do well to take a leaf from the book of the tiny kingdom of Bhutan, the only country in the world to measure its well-being by Gross National Happiness, instead of Gross National Product. In Himalayan cultures, the whole society’s economy was meant to serve the quest for happiness.
If for nothing else, this tsunami catastrophe has led to an awakening for, and the creation of more love, more happiness amongst us all, then the thousands of lives lost will not have been in vain.
Gross National Happiness, anyone? )
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,

Clinton Lim

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