Thursday, November 20, 2008


[Writing in progress... be patient! :) ]
I have hurried to post this here before I lose my patience. Also, it is so that I can still capture my feelings about the subject accurately and understand what still keeps me (and my patience) going. :)
What is 'patience'?
If I still think of when 'something' is going to happen everyday, am I still patient?
Hmmm... I am not obsessive, so I guess I still am.
An impatient person is one that runs 'out of character' and loses his peace. He is the sort that would dig out the germinating seeds just because he cannot see the green shoots coming out from the ground. An impatient person lacks the trust that the seeds will grow on their own. And of course, having dug out the seeds, the seeds die.
We have all seen impatient people at some point in our life. For instance, the wife who could not take it any more and left her eternally optimistic entrepreneur husband struggling with his fledging business. Or the impatient business partner who throw insults at his associates because of the prevailing frustrations without offering any better solutions to the problems. Some have even led to law suits over problems that neither party have a fair solution to.
Conversely, I also have heard of the wife who has been patient and understanding and accepted her husband back, after he has strayed in the marriage. Her motivation for her patience is love.
Most people are impatient because they have limited themselves to what they can 'see' and their lacking in their 'trust' in the bigger scheme of things.

There are many processes that we cannot see with our naked eye or five senses and we therefore have to based on 'trust' if we want to get anywhere. 'Trust' is easier when we understand more about what is around us. More importantly, 'trust' also means understanding that we are not alone to make things happen.
For instance, all my achievements, will not be possible without the help of others. Along the process, many of my friends have come forward to offer me encouragement, help and even money to make things happen. They all seemed to trust me totally. This is perhaps because I, in turn, have total trust in what I do and that they will work. I 'trust' because I know everything I can conceive and believe will work. It may take many steps of refinements to work, but they will. And unless I continue to emit this energy, and attract the same to me, success will not come to me.
So I shouldn't be surprised that 'patience' is considered a virtue by the major religions of the world. (I was surprised, when I first read the Wikipedia about the subject.)
The Wikipedia defines 'Patience' as:
The state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being steadfast.
Patience is often described as a core virtue in religion or spiritual practices.
In the Jewish Bible, Christian Bible and the Koran, Job endures near-apocalyptic calamities without losing his patience or reproaching Divine Providence.
In Judaism, Patience in God, it is said, will aid believers in finding the strength to be delivered from the evils that are inherent in the physical life.
In Christianity, increasing patience is viewed as the work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian who has accepted the gift of salvation (salvation = self elevation). The Proverbs note that "through patience a ruler can be persuaded, and a gentle tongue can break a bone" (Proverbs 25:14-16, NIV);
Through patience, a Muslim believes that an individual can grow closer to God and thus attain true peace. The Muslim faith believes that without a good spirit while enduring, the struggle will not bear its full reward, thus, patiently persevering, striving and going forward, despite the difficulty, is the pinnacle of behavior during challenging times.
In Buddhism, patience is one of the "perfections" that a bodhisattva trains in and practices to realize perfect enlightenment. Patience is recognized within Hinduism in the Bhagavad Gita. In both Hinduism and Buddhism there is a particular emphasis on meditation, aspects of which lead to a natural state of mindfulness that is conducive to patient, effective and well-organised thought.

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