Monday, March 30, 2009

Bucky Group 42

It is so beautiful at MacRitchie in the morning. It's been a long while since I have joined the Sunday's session, which includes a morning jog or walk followed by book reading. In this session, we continued with Bucky's book, "Utopia or Oblivion".
In it, there is one part that said, "...we have gone from 1% of humanity being able to survive in any important kind of health and comfort to 44% of humanity surviving at a standard of living unexperienced and undreamed of before." He went on to say that we should reach a 100% of humanity surviving at similar standards by the end of the century (year 2000). 
We are nine years past the end of the last century, but clearly we have yet to reach 100%. There are still many who are living below poverty levels and starve.
As metals synergise to form stronger alloys as per their given weight, and other advancements of technologies to make products cheaper, we should be able to achieve that '100%'. In fact, Bucky said that it all should be achievable by 1984!
So what is wrong?
There is criticism that there are some people that are profiteering and hoarding more than their fair share of money.  I think such criticism is subjective, since, what exactly is 'fair share'?
I would rather discuss it from the perspective of 'the system'. In Tao, whatever you send out will come back more valuable. If they come back less valuable, then the system is malfunctioning. For instance, as I breathe out carbon-dioxide, it goes out and come back as oxygen, which is more valuable to me. However, as the system corrupts or rather pollutes, due to industries or the cutting down of trees, then I will get back lesser and lesser oxygen (or value).
In this context, we think that the monetary system is not working, it as has inflation built-in. As mentioned earlier, with the advent of technologies, goods and services should be cheaper and not more expensive.
Perhaps manufacturing will get more and more efficient, someday basic goods and services will be given free; and people will be relieved from laborious tedium, but instead engage in creative work and do it for the passion.
So may be basic accommodation, food, utilities, broadband, TV and public transport will be free. Any extra (luxury) will have to be paid. Then will we have achieved 'the one-hundred percent'.
Some pixs taken during my morning walk, before the book reading:

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