Sunday, May 24, 2009

A New Earth

I have just finished reading this book by Eckhart Tolle and have created a slide show summarising it.

A book reading...


Bucky Group 44 - Bucky with Maharashi Mahesh Yogi

23 May 2009
We played these videos of Bucky for this session. To help you understand, I have made a transcript of each video clip below. The yellow headings are my inclusions to help structure his speech.

Transcript of video clip 1:
How they view what creative intel can tell us about the structure of the universe itself and how it relates to the individual man.

I invite Mr Fuller and what he says...

We all have the Same Faculties
I'm personally very deeply convinced that I have no faculities that all human beings not endowed. I dont think that I am any exception in that matter. I have however been deeply concerned with exploring our faculties which we all human beings have, which tend to  exhibit from time to time as children but have lose it very quickly, due to the misunderstanding of life experiences by our elders who in fear that the children are to going experience pain that they have experienced, tend to guide the chidren in the ways that disconnects the switchboard of extraordinary connections with extraordinary  faculties  which we do have. 
After  Contemplating Suicide, he decided to work for the Advantage of Others
Now, because I am really convinced then that whatever I am able to do has come by my exploring of those faculties, I also would say that by finding the most impressive single information that I have merged from my meeting with Maharashi, is the understanding which I have gained particularly from his students regarding meditation. Because in 1927 when I started to explore for the faculties which we all have been endowed with and not being able to employ them, I am quite convinced that I am doing so only for one fundamental drive (that) because I had considered suicide, I had decided that (that) the reason for my not committing suicide, was that I will turn my experiences to the advantage of others.
Because he works to the Advantage of Others, he uncovers more 
And I am quite confident that whatever I  able to uncover, our  faculties which we are endowed (with), and my ability to employ them, has been come about absolutely clearly by virtue of my wishing to employ to discover those faculties so that I can employ them to the advantage of the many. 
Of the Western Meditators doing for Advantage of Self
Then I try to say to them when I started to explore the faculties which we may be endowed (with), I became very aware of that there is meditation in the East and what I learn of it at the time, made me feel that the meditators were tending to engage in their study of this discipline, very much for their own advantage. 
Therefore the Maharishi brings to the West this Rediscovery of Ancient Wisdom
Therefore (this) came as a great delight to me (and meaning Maharashi) to learn that he in his studies, has discovered that in his earliest recorded thinking in india, the meditator once exploring for these faculties that humans have , but on behalf of his fellow men, and he had felt that the meditators in these pursuing times have deteroriated the position of seeking self advantage rather than the advantage of the many. I think this made MaharashI loomed into their camp in the Western world in short order is this very great change and his rediscovery of the earlier truths.  

And turn such Discoveries back to the Advantage of Many
I'm not surprised that the earlier thinkers knew these things that as I go back to the  Vedas and these earlier writings (Upanishads)  I am more found by the profound simplicities of the total comprehension that is manifested by them. So I feel that MaharashI and I have come together, both of us exploring for what it is we are endowed with but both inspired by how we can turn the advantage towards the many. 
Bucky's Earlier Attempts to Try to Be Different by Clothing
I think as a "new sighting" we are  meeting, just as our clothings we  appear very different   , we come out from different kinds of patterns.  And incidentally in 1927, I did feel that in trying to free myself to think effectively, I first tried spontaneously tended to changed my clothing and to break many of the patterns and customs. And I found that however, when I was trying to do to turn my thoughts to the advantage of others and to be impeded by my (at that time) unique physical appearance,  and my determination of it at various phase at certain times, that I realised I was putting self before others and doing what I was doing physically and so I decided to become the most invisible man  that I knew of how to be. And the most invisible man made me second rate bank clerk , so I tried to play like a second rate bank clerk ever since . That makes me quite different from Maharishi. 

Tribute to Maharishi for his integrity and love to bring about Salvation
But I think this is the real news, that coming to the Western world through Maharishi what is really news is that there have been people contemplating and isolating themselves for thousands of years, not apparently to bring about to accepting really quite mysterious ways possibly as giving your blessings but looking out about personal salvation. I am sure that what makes MaharishI aloud understood that he has manifest love. You could not meet with MaharishI without recognising instantly his integrity. You look in his eyes and there it is.    

About the Importance of Integrity
I am very aware of my physical limitations and I disciplined myself and esteemed integrity. I try to conduct myself with integrity.  And I am dubious of the effectiveness and consequences of those who engaged in the activities on our planet at the present time who are not motivated by fundamental integrity.
It must relate to Others
The fundamental integrity must relate to the others, the rest - our fellow men that men can put money making before the truth seems incredible to me. That men had put money making before truth by the millions for a long long time tells us of why we are in a very great predicament our planet  is today. 
Maharishis' and the Youth
That Maharishi has spontaneously engaging the love, understanding and support of the young, is the most important manifest we could have of that beautiful integrity.  
The Youth's Abhorence to Non-Truth
I would like to say to the news,it is great news that young america, has its arms open for the truth and love ,tenderness, compassion, and for the only way we can know the truth throughout our mind. Our young will first manifest great abhorence towards the non-truth, to the superficial, misleading  information about our customs. 
Then Demonstrating their Yearning for Humanity to Survive in this Planet.
Now that young world has gone beyond just being dismayed and dispproving of the non-truth but is demonstrating in its wave of inspiration by Maharishi. Demonstrating its yearning , its determination for humanity to survive in our planet. Very deep forces operative in here, the forces of the great elect of the universe itself. This is the news, not easy to report in the newspapers this kind of news, but this is the news. 
This is the vision of Fuller life for the world. Vision of Fuller Life. This country being open to all that will be good for human race. I call this country to be the most creative  country in the world. America today is the most creative country in the world and that is the reason why  this most creative country has made this teaching about knowledge about life  a science. 

Speaking of Transcendental Meditation, which is a technique and natural thing,  has been shaped in this country as a science just because this is the creative country of the world and when this science of integrity of life on both levels: intellectual and experiential.  This knowledge of science of creative intelligence which fulfilment on the intellectual level, on the level of understanding about the infinite value of life and about the practice to experience it. 

About Transcendental Meditation when the knowledge and practice , structured in the science of creative intelligence, reaches every part of the world from this country, the world will be an integrated world. and citizens of this integrated world will be citizens living the fullness of life. 
Fuller's vision of this possibility is great today. To be able to recognise the reality at a glance indicates integrity of the vision. And that you are providing of the press just now, the integrity of the vision, which has located responsiblity of an integrated world, through the integrated individuals,  through this science of creative intelligence . 
Only the individuals like Mr Fuller,living integrated life and dedicated their energy, intelligence and time, and resources to reach the many with this message of integrity would be the representative of this age. This scientific age which is to me, is influenced by thousands of generations to come. Men of integrity alone, can institute this knowledge in the present society and layout a beautiful solid foundation for all generation to enjoy this beautiful knowledge. And for Mr Fuller is not only a dedicated integrated individual, but an individual dedicated for construction; and not only construction of  material value , but anxious to construct the human soul for its integrity.

I congratulate you for that.  

The Integration of All Men
Because of the evolutionary requirement of the integration of all men around our planet, I would like to point out what I feel is the reason why America seems to you for a moment to be an active field of creative  capability. That we have in the five and a half million years of known presence of men on earth the gradual gaining of lower experience of men born nakedly helpless allowed  with information building equipment, but ignorant, gradually finding his way; a bit of paramiding of experiences, and America happens to be in the waves that has gone  around the world. 
Cross Breeding of the World Man
It is a crossed breeding world man here.There is no American nation. we have a world man here. There has been a developing of a world man and it is beginning to export and become part of a total world. But there is a tendency of the crowd to be exciting about the man who made the score in the football playing field who makes the touchdown, but I feel that America has been thrown a forward pass by all of humanity. (Maharishi: I believe it has.).
Part of a Great Team of All Humanity
It is making a touchdown that is quite spectacular. It is part of a great team of all humanity. I have to be sure not to try to develop any way to carry an unnatural ego.It is particularly common at the moment. I am sure we are completely in agreement of what we are saying. 
I am sure that you are saying this kindliness because we are meeting here and because you and I are in a conference together. I don't want this generosity to be misunderstood as working against this beautiful integration which you also talked about 

We are talking more on a reality level than a platform level..*laughters*

Is the vision of life in this country which is projecting a great poss for the whole world cos Transcendental Meditation has been taught in the world for 12 years for all the passed countries. It is the creative individuals of this country that has given a shape to it, in terms of science of creative intelligence. The total value of life to be conceptually deviated and empirically verified. Transcendental Meditation is there to verify empirically to know the infinite value of life by direct experience and what you spoke last night which structure infinity from the finite value that is intellectual delineation of the infinite value of life. Both these things, knowledge and experience makes life fuller... haha... another word for it - 'integrated'.    
So here we find in one person the expression of what actually the name means 'Fuller' - 'integration'. You are an innate inspiration for the whole book of SCI and this is going to project a very good practical possibility for all the mankind. The recognition of the reality is not opened to unintegrated visions. Division of an integrated society, and the recognition of a means that directly leading to it can only belong to a fuller integration.
I am so very happy to find in you this expression of this truth  that this is the most creative country in the world. I've been saying this all along  , not for the sake of any psychological values to those who hear it, but for the value of the recognition of  the value of the soil for the good of the whole world.   What we are structuring on this platform is the science of creative intelligence.
And this creation of science of creative intelligence will give  a value of knowledge so concrete and so full that it is going to transform the whole world. So we are on the threshold of  a transformation whereby suffering wil be outcast. Real integrity of life will be available to all. You heard Mr Fuller saying that everyone has that potentiality. Everyone has those faculties which in 1927, he was trying to unfold for the good of others. And he is repeating that everyone has those faculties. And knowledge is given to everyone to unfold those faculties and use it for himself and for others.  This is what the science of creative intelligence is unfolding to every individual.
The real knowledge of integrated life where one could enjoy all the relative values and will not miss the infinite absolute spiritual values of life, the inner values will not be lost. Pure consciousness will not be lost, bonded visions will not be lost. Bliss consciousness will remain and the values of relative life will be upheld . This kind of individuals we want to structure. Science of creative intelligence when adopted in all our educational organisations then the purpose of education will be complete. 
Education inspires  to create a man in his full value. Integrated man is the aspiration of every educational system, but because so far, even though the knowledge of infinity was there, the direct experience of the infinite value of life was not available. 
But now, transcendental meditation provides that in a very simple natural method; and therefore through this procedure , every man will be able to unfold his inner faculties to be maximum live integrated state of life - just enjoy. 
That's why we say, no man is borned to suffer.   If someone is not living in permanent state of happiness, then he can dive within himself unfold his inner potentialities and start to live that fuller life, in a very natural way. 
So the message that Mr Fuller brings - the message of Fuller life - don't let the inherent message remain behind the scene, bring them out, unfold them and make use of them in your daily life, so that every aspect of them becomes FULLER! This is the possibility through science of creative intelligence.               

The Power of Numbers

The Pythagorean Triangle
I have recently attended a workshop about the metaphysical study of numbers called "The Power of Numbers" in Singapore.
The Power of Numbers is discovered by Dr Oliver Tan, from Numbers Academy Singapore, after in-depth studies into the formulas of Feng Shui derived from the numerology of Lo Shu and He Tu, the Indian analysis of numerology and Numbers practised during the Sumerian times. He discovered that Numerology is the driving force of all metaphysics and is a very important key to decoding many underlining principles of occult sciences such as Chinese Feng Shui, Ba Zi, Indian Numerology, the Kabbala system, Tarot card readings...etc.
In the preview, I found the readings based on my birthdate stunningly accurate. Dr Tan says that our universe vibrates on Numbers.
Basically, numbers are symbols enumerating more than mere quantity. Every number mean something. In the course, we learned how the entries in the pythagorean triangle are calculated, what each digit, each pair of digits and each pattern of digit configuration mean.
However, there is no such thing as fate, ie. that everything in your life is fixed. However, there is 'destiny'. Destiny depends on your journey and the freewill you exercise during your journey. Your numbers based on your birthdate identifies your potential when you are born as influenced by the planets and stars.
For those that have undesirable character traits and potentials arising from your numbers, do not fret, as there are simple remedies. Knowing your potential destiny itself is 50% chance that you will avoid the undesirable traits, as your sub-conscious mind starts working to protect yourself. It is akin to the 50% chance of not getting wet once you have heard tomorrow's weather forecast. The remedies encourage you to be spiritual/religious, charitable and positive thinking. 
So in the end, it still amounts to putting love first. When you put love first, everything will fall in place. That probably explains why most religions discourage their followers to consult fortune tellers or astrologers. For if they believe in their faith absolutely and practised its teachings diligently, then what undesirable traits they carry along in this incarnation will be cleansed. Much like the Christians say how believing in Jesus will cleanse our sins. All religions and faiths ultimately converges and are consistent with one another.
And that is why it is also very difficult (if at all) to read highly spiritual people. These people are ascended to put love first in everything they do that it does not matter anymore what numbers they are born with.
Lastly, is it worthwhile to learn the metaphysics of numbers?
I think it is, as it has helped me to understand myself and others better. I now see people and their plights and even my own plights differently. Perhaps I have become more forgiving and understanding that some people are just born with such potentials and are unfortunately unable to walk away from their life's calamities unassisted. They may like to seek to rediscover themselves through religion or spiritual practices. 
For the (perhaps) rare few that are already highly ascended or elevated, then it is not necessary to study about numbers. You are above it all.

For more posts on the Power of Numbers, click here.


The Futurists 8d - Life Extension

13 May 2009
This week we revisited about "Life Extension" as the last time, some of us were not around in the meeting. This meeting is not very well recorded as I was not feeling very well.
Some people are against Life Extension and Immortality. But when you ask, "Who wants to die?" Then, you get a different reaction.
How do we die?
When we stop breathing? or when the heart stops? or when the brain stops?
In evolutionary history, we die from predators before we get into a discrepit state. May be there are evolutionary disadvantage of living a long life.
But what if we succeed in cloning? Let's say if I clone you, then which one is the real you? Is it the original or the clone? Or let's say, if I clone you and I kill the original, are you still alive? 
At this point, one of the participant replied: "If you kill me, I'll kill you!"
That threw most of us off guard and off-logic, as obviously the preceeding supposition is for the purpose of hypothesis. It seems that some people cannot cope up very well with the concept of hypothesis; and therefore sidetracked from the main question of "Which one is the real you? You you or the clone? Not "if you kill me, I'll kill you". This is comical!!!!! :)
So who is the real you?
What is 'self'?
Ten years from now we will achieve Singularity (that means computers can reach human levels of thinking and in some cases like calculations, supersede human abilities, more powerfully so) - claimed Stefan. Kit thinks not and both of them made a bet. The loser pays a steak dinner. 
But what made Stefan thinks it'll be so soon?
For one adoption rates for technologies like the Internet and mobile phones are happening at a much faster rate than that of radio in the past. Now, there are several technologies that changes your life so much, such as:
RSS, podcast, ipod, youtube, internet radio, peer-to-peer technologies like bitorrent...etc.
As communications technologies progressed, the quality of conversations deteriorates. So will technological advances necesarily prolong our lives or improve its quality? 

Buddhist Miracles

7 May 2009
This is my notes of the talk on "Buddhist Miracles", by Ajahn Brahm at the Buddhist Lodge on the 7th May 2009, organised by the Buddist Fellowship, in Singapore. They are written as in the first person for easy reading, but it is not an ad verbatim recording of what Ajahn Brahm spoke of during the seminar.
Before the talk proper, the master of ceremony announced that this talk is organised by the Buddhist Fellowship in Singapore and that anyone can join as members. That membership is very cheap, even cheaper than those of AWARE (the Association for Women's Action and Research) - a tongue-in-cheek reference to their recent surge in the membership size in order to oust the executive committee in an extra-ordinary general meeting. 
Also, the announcement that the Buddhist Fellowship is working closely with National Parks and the Public Utilities Board, to educate people not to release their unwanted pets in the wild because these pets may not survive or worse still may upset the local ecology. 
If you want to be kind to animals, you can eat less meat, or don't eat meat at all. And for those vegetarians, don't feel too smug too, because in the process of growing vegetables many insects and earthworms are inadvertently killed too.
Do things with your heart, but not with the aim of gaining 'merits' for if you are too conscious of gaining 'merits' then they are merits no more.

Not a Miracle 1
We had just finished a conference recently and the day after the stockmarket shot up. Oh, it must be a miracle! *Roaring laughters*
"Miracles" - don't spend too much time on it. They are the 'special effects', the seasonings, the chilli in you life. 
Not a Miracle 2
The talk about miracles about me started when they took some photos of me and they saw little sparkling cirlces and they all got excited. They thought that was a miracle. Those were not miracles. They are merely dust particles from the floor carpets reflecting the camera flash. This happens nowadays because we use digital cameras. Either that or miracles live in carpets. *laughs*
Miracles show you the power of the mind. We haven't understood fully how miracles work. Perhaps they can be explained in the future.
Miracle 1
There are some miracles that some people have experienced. There is one about a man who had contracted lung cancer on both lungs. He went through tests and X-Ray. The X-Ray clearly showed it had badly infected both lungs. So he went through chemotherapy and radiation. The doctor said that he had only two to three months to live. Resigned to it, he then went back to talk to his wife and child.
One week later, he went back to the hospital and the doctor was astonished after the X-Ray. The cancer has totally disappeared! 
"How did it happened? What did you do?" asked the doctor.
"Meditation," he said.
This one is a true miracle. This miracle has appeared in reputable and mainstream medical journals. But this is the power of the mind that works within the Laws of Nature. It is not from a superior being.
Miracle 2
Another miracle happens during a meditation session, where there is this very noisy man. There are complaints about him, but later, we learned that he is dying of nasal cancer. After we knew about it, there were no more complaints. So understand situations with compassion and a lot of irritation will disappear.
Anyway, during one of the meditation session, there was a loud 'pop' and he could breathe easily. Then the cleared block, closed again. Three or four years later, he came back and his cancer was totally cleared!
It is the nature of what the mind can do. Peace and calm can help  your health. 
NOT a Miracle 3:
However, there is also what the mind cannot do. For instance, you can't write a phoney cheque, stare at it, visualise on it and expect to get a real one in your post the next day!
The power of the mind also depends on its purity.
NOT a Miracle 4
There was a Chinese guy in Australia that dreamed of his dead father saying, "Tomorrow go to the casino".  So he did and went to the rollette. 
Then he heard his father's voice saying, "Number 16". He then put his chips on '16'. The rollette turned and when it stopped, the ball really stopped on '16'!!!!!!! He was delighted that he had won.
Next he heard, "Number 27", this time he put all his chips on '27'.  This time, he place all his chips on '27' and when the rollette stopped, to his utmost delight, the ball landed on '27'. Again he won!!!
Then next, he heard, "Number 21". Again, he placed all his chips on '21'. Then, the rollette turned and when it stopped, the ball went to '21' and then gently rolled over to '22'. What happened? Then suddenly heard the same voice saying, "Aiyoh!!!!!" (Oh dear!) *laughters*
If that is the guy's father that is guiding him to win, what made him think that he is infallible? If his father has made mistakes when he was in this dimension, what made us think that he will not do so just because he has passed away? That is why we don't believe in miracles by these beings.
Miracle 3
There is another miracle of this lady who was driving long distance at night and she became tired and dosed off. Then suddenly she got a slap on her face and she woke up and realised she had already swerved to the opposing lane.
If you doing something noble, miracles do happen.
Miracle 4
For instance, during the 30th annivesary of our monastery, we wanted to have it celebrated on the Supreme Court Garden in Perth. We wanted to do something big. We imported statues from Thailand and invited the Premier of Western Australia to attend. 
Then, that very morning, it rained. It was absolutely pouring. The monks had came to him and asked if we should call off the celebration as the rain had built into a storm and they thought it was no way it could clear in time for us. I said "No, we carry on...". They must all think that I am crazy.
Then 30 minutes before the celebration was about to start, the rain stopped. Five minutes before the celebration started, the sky cleared. After the celebration, the rain returned. That was also a stormy day for Perth, apart from the brief period when the ceremony happened at Supreme Court Gardens. Everywhere else was storming! On that day, fields and freeways were also flooded.
So, the higher beings are behind you if you are doing inspiring deeds. Miracles of hope in good things.
The Swine flu is not dangerous. It is mostly fear. The Wine Flue is dangerous! *laughters*
Is this a Miracle 1?
There is this Australian guy who went trekking in Ladakh in the Himalayas. It was so beautiful and he spent his time taking photos, that he got left behind. He tried to figure out his way, but eventually got lost. Then he saw a light in the distance. He followed the light and found that it was a monastery.  He went to the monastery and knocked on the door. A monk opened the door and welcomed him to stay for the night as it was getting dark, and that they will direct him to the next morning.
At about midnight, he was woken up by a beautiful music. It was so delightful and enchanting. It was joyful.
The next morning, he asked the abbott about the music, but the abbott said, 
"Can't tell you that, as you are not a monk".
"Oh! Come on! Tell me! It was such a beautiful music! Tell me!" he pleaded.
"No, you are not a monk," the abbott insisted.
The Australian guy was disappointed, but soon he had to leave the monastery and head back to join his group. The beautiful music, however continued to recur in his mind.
This continued even after he rejoined his group and returned to Australia. The music continued in his mind so much that he had to see a psychiatrist.
A year later, he couldn't take it anymore and returned to the monastery in Ladakh to ask the abbott, but got the same reply,
"Can't tell you. You are not a monk".
"Oh please!!!" he again pleaded.
"No," the monk replied.
"I am going crazy with the music in my mind, please tell me!" he begged.
"No, you are not a monk," the abbott replied.
Desperate, the Australian guy said, "Okay then, if I become a monk, will you tell me...?"
"Yes," the abbot replied.
Delighted he became a monk.
However, for the first three months while he was learning to be a monk, he didn't hear the music in the monastery at all. Then, after three months, one evening, around midnight, he heard this beautiful and enchanting music. It was so joyful. Delighted, he asked the abbot to reveal to him about the music. The abbot remained silent and asked him to follow him.
The abbot took a bunch of keys and walked down the hallways towards the sound of the music. Then they reached a door and he took a wooded key to open the door. It looks like that door had not been opened for along time, as it creaked opened on its hinges. As the door opened, the music came louder and clearer. Oh! It was so beautiful. 
Then, the followed the music down the hallway. It was a long hallway and it lead to another door. The abbot then took out a rusty iron key to open the door. Again the door creaked as it opened to reveal the music even clearer and louder. The Australian was delighted and enchanted.
The monk is so pleased and followed the music further down the hallway till they reach another door. The abbot then took out a silver key to open the door. The door creaked open and the music came clearer and more delightful. By this time, there is no turning back for the Australian monk. He really really want to find out what the music is.
So he dutifully followed the music again down the hallway. As he walked down the hallway, the music got more and more enchanting as it became clearer. Then they reached a golden door. The abbot then said that this is the last door. There are no more doors after this in between the music and them. So the monk took out a golden key and put it in the keyhole and turned. The door swung open and....
What happened??
I can't tell you all because you are not a monk!!!!!!!!! *laughters*
See how much sufferings curiosity brings you in you life?
Who cares what the music is.
Is this a Miracle 2?
There is a grieving mother who went to the Buddha to plead with him to bring back his dead son to live. The Buddha replied that he will if he can bring just three mustard seeds to him. Each from a different family, and that it must not be from a house that somebody has passed away in.
"That's easy!" the mother thought, and she wasted no time and left to ask for the three mustard seeds. The first house, said they have many mustard seeds, but their grandmother just passed away, so it is no use giving her the mustard seed. Then the next house, someone else had died in it recently. Another one, yet a family member had passed away in it. She went on to check everyone in the village and realised that it is futile. Everyone had someone died in the house before. 
Then, it dawn on her! Everyone had to die. There is nothing to grief for. Her son is dead. Everyone dies. No problem. Then she understood why the Buddha had asked her to seek this three mustard seeds.
It would have been futile if the Buddha had the power and revive her son. Instaed the Buddha taught her something much more powerful. This mother then eventually became an arahat.
That's why all other miracles are just 'seasonings', the razmatazz, the fireworks. Go for the deep ones. Those that gives you the free loving heart. The feelings that free people from all the pains and sufferings in life.
1. I am a playboy. Many girls come to me even though they know that I am a playboy. I take advantage of that and have sex with them. Is that wrong?
You have to be very careful as this involves physical intimacy with another person that can lead to complications and attachments. So you have to be aware of the consequences.
2. Is there proof of reincarnation?
The way to get scientific proof of it is to die and then find out! *grins*
[MC: No, I am not going to let you go away with this (reply)]
Ok, there are already many scientific evidence of people who has lived as somebody else in their previous incarnation. Evidence of information they had not possibly known just based on their present incarnation.
3. Is divorce or abortions correct?
Don't blame yourself or the other party in a divorce and the attachment of sex, lust and anger.
For abortions, many  had been told by men about it. There is no straight answer to that, but whatever the decision is, do not act out of fear, but love. Also intention is not cause of karma.
4. I hear that you mention a lot about 'good' and 'bad'. Isn't this a judgment?
Good deeds are those that you don't harm other people and that you feel joyful about it. A pleasant feeling. When you start feeling rotten after doing something, it is a bad deed. We all feel about these things and we know what is good and what is bad. It has to come from you and nobody else can tell you what is good or bad.
For instance, is homosexuality good or bad. Bad? What happens if he is your son and that he is a fine character in many other respects. Now is he good or bad? Is homosexuality good or bad?
5. I am very attached to a past relationship. What should I do?
There is a master who used to hold up a glass and tell us it is cracked. "Where?" we asked and he said that they are microscopic cracks that has already happened and if these cracks are stressed, the glass will break. He used that to illustrate to us that relationships are fragile. The human body, marriages, relationships,...etc are fragile. We know that glasses are fragile and that is why we treat them gently, but if it is a plastic mug, we throw it around. That's why we don't take care of our relationships. We think they are like plastic mugs. We think that our bodies, relationships...etc are all permanent. However, if the glass has cracked, let it go.

Raja Yoga Intensive

26 April 2009
This are my notes of the talk on "Raja Yoga Intensive", by Sister Shivani Verna from the Brahma Kumaris at the Excelsior Hotel in Singapore, on the 26th April 2009. They are written as in the first person for easy reading, but it is not an ad verbatim recording of what Sister Shivani spoke of during the seminar.
The word "meditation" comes from "medivate" (to heal). 
[An unexpected loud screeching noise on sound systems...]

Situation comes, situation goes, what is left behind is the impact.
Was the situation worth it for us to be disturbed?
It was a trivial disturbed 30 seconds. Add the 30 seconds and one can become disturbed beings.
In a crisis, in order to cme up with the right solution, the mind has to be stable. If the mind is disturbed, it will not be able to see the solution. You can be stable with the earth shaking below you.
When we were in Pakistan, there was an earthquake, but we got together to meditate for 1 minute without the thought of the earthquake. We stayed calm, so others stayed calm.
Irritation. Is one born with this or is this cultivated? When a child wants something, he cries and throw tantrums to get what he wants. If he gets it, he learns that this is how he can get things. Instead, if the adult gives the child only if he asks politely, then we teach him that love, courtesy and respect is the way to get things.
What does "Raja Yoga" mean?
'Raja' means highest.
'Yoga' means connection, communion or link.
It is a meditation which I become the ruler of myself. A self-ruler over my mind and over my sense organs.
Who am I?
The consciousness which I sit brings about the next series of thoughts.
Ego. What is that? Anyone? (asking audience)
(Suggestions from the audience)
To protect ourselves.
Attachment to self.
Body consciousness.
I am right you are wrong.
These are attachments to the wrong image/belief about myself.
Who are you?
Are you your name, designation, qualifications,...etc. Your name is your label, not your identity. Your titles and roles are also not your identity.
When we hold on to something that we have to let go, there will be pain. We are then going against what we know is the truth. By doing so, we didn't enjoy the moments when we have that something. Everything is absolutely going to go one day. Fear of losing, fear of death,...etc.
Say "I" and some of us may picture our body. We say, my body is acheing, or I body acheing ? We don't say "I body acheing", because it is not 'I'   that is acheing, but our body.
One wrong consciousness can make everything go haywire.
Human Being.
'Human' is matter.
'Being' is energy.
'I' decide what to think, what to see.
The one who expresses himself through his body. I think, I create and speak through this body. My 'consciousness' or my 'body'. Any difference?
I am the 'programmer' (of my body).
The programmer has the power of the choice of instructions to feed into the computer that runs the robot.

In the morning, when you reach the office, you saw the security guard and you spoke to him, then you see the receptionist, and you spoke to him; then you spoke to your boss; then you spoke to the CEO.
Now, which of the four conversations comes from your real you?
(from audience)
The conversation with the security guard?
If the conversations were made from your actual nature, it wouldn't have changed. 
I am a pure being walking into the office, I meet another pure being playing the role of a security guard, then another pure being playing the role of a receptionist...etc.
When a person got out of a car, are you speaking to the person or the car?
If you establish relationships based on what you have acquired in your lifetime would be doing it on temporary foundations.
It'll be more peaceful if you are the same to all four of them. Be yourself. You'll stop wearing masks and stop having to be polite. Soul consciousness helps us to connect to the other person. We seldom talk about the 'soul' in our daily life. It seems the word 'soul' only comes up in a spiritual discourse or in a funeral.
When you see the person as a spiritual being, that's the highest respect you can give to that person. 
Respect = re-spect.
If you live a life believing that you are a body-mother-wife, it'll be difficult to leave this body. It is akin to children who got attached to the dress.
What's the 'art of dying'? We speak about the 'art of living' more, but what's the 'art of dying'?
If you understand the art of dying, then death won't be painful. Detachment is living with the consciousness that you are a pure being.
We spend to much time on things that are not important.
At the time of dying, then do we realise that they are not taken care of. The rest which we have spent much time and taken care of, we will leave behind when we die.
Say if a few of us go around India in a train in our white saris. After a few days, the saris will be stained, but each sari is stained our own way. Same in life, though we started as pure beings, we developed differently and have different personalities. But the sari despite being stained, is still white. The soul despite having developed personality, is still pure. If you keep focusing on the stain, it will become worse. Focus on the white. That's the vibration we are going to send out.
I create thoughts which is the mind.
The mind evaluates, discriminates and decides (using the intellect). This will lead to action, and frequent actions form habits that will create personality traits.
Our personality traits are affected by:
Own Will power
Our original nature.
Our original nature is peace, love, happiness, power, purity, knowledge of who I am and bliss.
Bliss is the pleasure beyond the sense organs.
Shift from body consciousness to soul consciousness. Try to remember who we are. After each hour, pause for one minute to remind who we are.
Medical science is trying to prove the presence of the soul through out-of-body, 'near death'  and past life regressions.
If our mind is stable (strong), we are not vulnerable and we are taken care of. Be soul conscious. Astrology...etc, doesn't have power over you. For instance, an astrologer may ask you to wear a stone, but that'll only work if you believe. So, who's doing the work? You or the stone?
From the audience: How about the Year 2012, Dec 23?
Yes, what about? Whatever that time means, what can you do about it? Just enjoy now. *laughters*
I can remember everyone, even people I don't like, but I can't remember Him. Why when I quieten to remember him, the mind starts to wonder?  That's because we don't know who is the Supreme Power. He himself will give his introduction which will be accurate. Others give the introduction based on their own experience. God resides in us. God is omnipresent. We are all Gods. 
What is said of God is heard, read and passed down from generations to generations. We have to experience it for ourselves. When was the last time you experience divinity?
In entropy, order will turn to chaos. There is then an external supreme intervention that is accepted by everyone.
From the symbol of light, we build a stone, then a temple of diety, then man worship nature and then worship human beings, like Mahatma Gandhi.
Therefore connect to Him as He is, not as the person I connect in the middle.
I am a peaceful soul. I am in an ocean of peace.

Brahma Kumaris talk by Sister Shivani Verna

22 April 2009
This are my notes of the talk by Sister Shivani Verna from the Brahma Kumaris in Singapore. They are written as in the first person for easy reading, but it is not an ad verbatim recording of what Sister Shivani spoke of during the seminar.
Clean the slate. Freshen the mind.
Be in the present. Delete what is not needed for now.
What is important now?
What we share is our way to transformation.
* One minute silence *
I am a peaceful soul. 
Here to find if problems be solved.
I am a powerful being. Do you feel it? How do I become a powerful being?
Who am I?
I am a mother.
I am an MNC professional.
I am...
In the role you play, you are powerful.
But as a being, you are powerful.
Do you know what is it to be a 'being'?
Why is it important to know who am I?
The deepest meaning - 'I' is:
Self - confidence?
Self - motivation?
Self - esteem?
Self - respect?
Self - centred?
So many words. I know what they are?
These are words we use everyday, and yet we are still not clear of what they are.
Self-confidence is confidence in what I do. 
Self-respect - not sure what it is. Is it ego?
It is the word 'self' that is not clear.
'I' - What do you see when you hear the word 'I'?
Do we think of a picture of ourselves?
I am a human-being. If we relate that to the body and what we do, then we have become 'human-doing' (not 'human-being').
(For instance) How would it be if I am this costume? (pointing to the white sari she wears).
If the costume is dirty, does it mean that 'I' am dirty?
(Clearly) There is a being underneath the costume.
So when people criticise, don't take it so personally.
When a person dies, who dies?
The body dies. Take a distance from the death.
One wrong idea (of identifying with the body) in the consciousness and one live a life of Fear.
So, when someone say something about what I am doing, I feel hurt. I get disturbed, as I always want to be perfect. But who got disturbed? If I am disturbed, that means I look at 'me' as the doing part. If I remain stable, I remain perfect.
How about the positive comments about what we do?
Do we do something to feel good?
Job satisfaction - does it mean to do something to feel good.
We should feel good first, then do something. Otherwise, we are looking at energy from outside to inside. That is, 'I do this, I feel happy', or 'I buy this, I feel happy'.
Energy is flowing from 'inside' out, because the creator is the being.
Can this flower give me happiness?
It can only give what it has. If we seek from outside, we become dependent. How about people? Can people give me happiness? Can we suck happiness out of people? This leads to 'I want'.
They will radiate only what you think you 'have not' and what 'you want'. 
(So) You didn't buy me a gift for my birthday meant you don't love me(?)
I am also a walking radiator of energy. When you are happy, you radiate the energy to another person. 
So from where do I get my happiness?
'I am a happy being'.
The glass is already full. Make sure it doesn't spill.
Homework: To cross 24 hours without getting disturbed with any situation. 
Where does happiness fit in your priority list? How many people get happiness from their salaries? If you do, be careful because salaries do fluctuate. For some people, their self-esteem comes from their salary - the attachment to the figure (salary). 
Is this how I feel about myself? 
How can I face society now? 
How will people treat me now?
Will the praises stop?
What I say about you, how I see you, how I feel today, forms the filter of my feelings when I am seeing you. 
Can I say something nice?
Is the food good?
Do not take each one to what they are saying about you. Know about yourself and not get affected by what others say. This is going to be more so when more people are in pain. Others talk about me and I am going around justifying that it doesn't work. Let people think what they want. Truth will automatically reveal itself. 
Remain stable. It doesn't mean no response, but a stable response. When I am stable, I have the power to change. When you are in pain, you can't change. Don't handle people. Handling one person is enough. That one person is yourself.
Questions from the audience:
Q: I see two persons drowning - my wife and my mother, which one should I save?
Reply: I can do anything to anyone when I am not sucked into something. You have a belief that you have to save one. (Typically, in a domestic problem) Let them sort out their own problems. Get both the mother and the wife to sit together to talk. If they are not sitting together, it doesn't get solved. Only speak the truth when both sides are present.
Note that, "My perspective to reveal" is different from "My perspective to show you are wrong". 
After revealing your perspective, let the other person respond. Don't interfere with his journey. We are only in-charged of our own journey. It is like the dance you watch before this. If each of the dancer is going to worry about the steps of the other dancers, she'll not be able to dance her own steps. So don't worry about the other person. We are often writing the other person's script, then while doing so, my scene has passed.
Keep an open mind during the talk. No verdict before the talk, otherwise you won't be listening.
Why am I working?
To survive?
To experience happiness?
Try giving happiness to others without feeling happy. Take 1 mintue to heal myself, then work. Take care of yourself, the rest takes care of itself. I'll take care of one person. I experience it on the way out (by giving).
The seminar ended here.
On the way out, each of us get a beautifully folded message and an Indian sweet (cookie).
It looks like this:
When the folds open up, it says:

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The Futurists 10 - Pakistan

This is an unusual post for this blog, as it touches on the politics and military landscape of Pakistan, which is not the theme of Vacuum State. This post is here as a chronicle of a Futurist group meeting. None of us in the group are politicians, political analysts, foreign correspondent in Pakistan, or members from the military top brass. Our knowledge of the war in the tribal areas in Pakistan is merely based on the mainstream media.
6th May 2009
From the MIT Press
The authors of this ambitious book address a fundamental political question: why are leaders who produce peace and prosperity turned out of office while those who preside over corruption, war, and misery endure? Considering this political puzzle, they also answer the related economic question of why some countries experience successful economic development and others do not.

The authors construct a provocative theory on the selection of leaders and present specific formal models from which their central claims can be deduced. They show how political leaders allocate resources and how institutions for selecting leaders create incentives for leaders to pursue good and bad public policy. They also extend the model to explain the consequences of war on political survival. Throughout the book, they provide illustrations from history, ranging from ancient Sparta to Vichy France, and test the model against statistics gathered from cross-national data. The authors explain the political intuition underlying their theory in nontechnical language, reserving formal proofs for chapter appendixes. They conclude by presenting policy prescriptions based on what has been demonstrated theoretically and empirically.

Why is a group like this discussing about "Pakistan"?
Reply: This is because the government there has almost abdicated the tribal area Swat only about 100 kms away from Islamabad, to the control of the Talebans. This is a grave concern as Pakistan has nuclear weapons. Will it disrupt the development of technology that serves humanity, or even cause an annihilation of civilisation?
It may not be a concern as the Pakistani army has a strength of about 900,000 and it will not allow further fragmentation of the country. Question is whether the Taliban can takeover any place outside their bases? There is also local interests other than religious fanaticism. Logically, it serves the army to tolerate some amount of chaos to justify its own existence.
Is the news exaggerated to serve US interests to send troops into Pakistan?
Probably not, as the Pakistani army has  a better chance (with local knowledge) than the US to take on the local rebels.
Why are there no bio-warfare so far in any countries?
Because it is difficult to weaponise bacterial and viruses. Rebel groups like the Taleban will find it difficult to develop them as they will need laboratories and in-depth knowledge and expertise.
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Monday, May 18, 2009

Kid's Play 18 - The Entrepreneur

This is kid's play in another perspective.

Bring out the kid in you.
Find a need in society and fill it.
Do it better. Enterprises serve society in creative ways more efficient that many government programmes.
For more of Kid's Play, click here
For more of Social Enterprises, click here
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bucky Group 43 - Bucky's Experiment with his Life

As it is very difficult to follow what Bucky said as he mumbles in his prolonged sentences and jumped from one topic to another, I have made the transcript below. There are still some words I cannot decipher, but I think it is good enough. The headings in yellow are my attempt to summarise each paragraph.
On thinking that he has only 10 years more to live
I was 32, life insurance would ask for case for individual males born in 1895 when I was, with 42 years of age, tats life expectancy, I was 32 so I have only 10 years to go, by av. what can a little individual do with 10 years, with three billion human beings on our planet obviously you are not to get anywhere asking people to listen to me. That’s exactly when they don't listen. That’s one of the things I have learned.
Our body a result of our existence in the restrictive biosphere
On the way, I think I can be effective on behalf of the human beings is that if you are doing your own thinking, you realise the way you and I are designed and behave is completely the consequences of we finding ourselves in the biosphere (the biosphere in this particular planet). Organic biological systems are on average 50% water, human beings are 60% water. water freezes and boils within very small limits.
We Ought to Use the Principles that are Operative in the Universe
When outside the biosphere, you immediately freeze to death or burn up, so I say, the way we behave is then, in this environmental control and we say because it’s available. we breath this air because it is available, and so I said, anyway in which you and I ought to be using principles that are operative in the universe, which our minds are able to discover, as for instance the lever, where suddenly one man can lift up to what 20 men can lift to before, where you can hold out to others with the scientific principles.
To Use the Principles to Build that Bridge that Serves Humanity
Wherever extent I apply I apply principles which are operative in the universe to all the environmental conditions for humanity to make it more favorable for survival of humanity this will bring round a spontaneous behaviour as if I build a bridge beyond the roaring gorge, where there is life support on the other side across the roaring gorge and people have been risking their life trying to swim across the gorge to get whats society... .
To Use the Tools based on the Principles to Serve Humanity and NOT by Political Persuasion
I build a bridge... and I use the bridge between myself and producing artifacts and not trying to reform human beings, but to take fact of natures own revolution to reform the environment by virtue of using these tools, so I was then committing myself to try to do something for all humanity, and in 10 years, with tools and not by any political persuasion, I was completely apolitical.
But Where is the Money going to come from?
This means that I need the radial of capital capability, machinery and resources to produce the tools in certain quantities that are going to affect all humanity. I have absolutely no money. There is nobody to tell me to do what I see. How am I going to get into this fantasy as I have got a dependent wife and child, which means we got to eat tomorrow, we immediately need the food?

DO YOUR OWN THINKING... but nature doesn't have money...
So I said, alright, when I see you... doing my own thinking is the following:
  • That the animals don't have any money And the sun and wind doesn’t have any money
  • Money is some kind of invention by humans
  • I see that all colleges on the planet are inter-supportive
  • And the universe itself as we see in physics is eternally regenerative by 100% percent efficient
  • That what goes on in other planets must be in support of the regeneration universe itself
Getting rid of "has to be you or me", "earning a living..." mentality
So I see ecologies inter regenerative and it could be that I understood what human beings are here for on our planet and we are supposed to be doing in the local universe. If I were then to undertake to support and make that a success, that is to make the human beings a success themselves, get rid of the "has to be you or me ", "earning a living",... get that out of the way.
If I can commit myself to that effectively, it might be that nature will support me the way she has the humming bird supporting the other... little nests, and so forth.
An Experiment based on Absolute Faith
This is then a commitment to doing a big task on working on something on absolute faith in the integrity of the universe itself. There s a greater intelligence than the human being and that if you commit yourself to facing that, you may find that you can get on, but somebody has to make an experiment. You (himself) are ideal for it because you are penniless that you do have dependents, undertaking to see if what nature wanted done, you will find yourself getting on doing what the system says you ought to do
Somebody has to do it, and Bucky did it
And that because I have not been proven and that I represent a 52 year demonstration that it apparently can be done, I am not saying to anybody that just peel off from the system. I am saying you have to see something needs to be done and nobody else is attending to it. Which is going to take a whole lifetime and commit yourself to them and that’s alright because (if there is) anybody else who says he is doing what I am doing, I'll walk away from that because all I want to see is that that is being attended to.
Bucky solved problem using the Universe's own problem solving capability
Now, also, I want to come back to the faith business, because what I say to myself, is when I begin to do this thinking and realise is that if I was really committing myself and be supported by nature; and that I was committing myself to make human beings a success, I have been in a great design of the universe itself and unwittingly come into knowledge that it is incredibly important of other importance, it actually rides the universe own problem solving.
On Not Becoming a MR BIG
So I said, can you be trusted as individual , if and when you begin to find the great knowledge and begin to apply it, to solving problems in humanity, are you confident that when that happens , you wont suddenly be MR BIG? Can you really trust yourself to always remember you are always a throwaway, the only reason you are doing this is that you are a throwaway? Not you personally at all demonstrating that means that anything any individual could do and not engulfed alone by the system and really become completely inspired by the integrity of the greater regenerative universe.
Not about making money but making sense
So, I have been very glad to say, here we are there, that I am there. that I have found myself trustworthy and have not committed myself to allow myself to be (as I have said earlier) to be a cult leader and never to get out into making money and enormous amount come my way today AND that I never ever try to do anything about only making money or saving it - all of them (money) must go immediately back into research.
... and he managed to raise enough meony to realise a tremendous amount of technology
For the last 20 years I have been able to command enough credit to about a quarter of a million dollars for research and development. And that’s when you really knowing your way around to be tremendously effective to be able to get a tremendous amount of technology realised by virtue of this.
Isa asked, "How do we know what is needed to be done?"
This is explained in a letter in reply to a ten year old boy caled Michael, who wrote to him:
Letter dated February 16, 1970
Thank you very much for your recent letter concerning "thinkers and doers."
The things to do are:
the things that need doing: that you see need to be done, and no one else seems to see need to be done. Then you will conceive your own way of doing that which needs to be done -- that no one else has told you to do or how to do it. This will bring out the real you that often gets buried inside a character that has acquired a superficial array of behaviors induced or imposed by others on the individual.
Try making experiments of anything you conceive and are intensely interested in. Don't be disappointed if something doesn't work.
That is what you want to know -- the truth about everything -- and then the truth about combinations of things. Some combinations have such logic and integrity that they can work coherently despite non-working elements embraced by their system.
Whenever you come to a word with which you are not familiar, find it in the dictionary and write a sentence which uses that new word.
Words are tools -- and once you have learned how to use a tool you will never forget it. Just looking for the meaning of the word is not enough. If your vocabulary is comprehensive, you can comprehend both fine and large patterns of experience.
You have what is most important in life -- initiative.
Because of it, you wrote to me. I am answering to the best of my capability. You will find the world responding to your earnest initiative.
Sincerely yours,
Buckminster Fuller
I find that it is difficult to experiment with your life until you get out of the rut of full-time employment. During my time when I was going to work on a 9-to-5 basis, I was mixing around with people who are so entrenched in the limited scope of chores they are busy with and their thinking. Those thinking too were often embroiled in mundane procedures, the want to earn more money, or the mere bickering about colleagues, undesirable company practices and politics. Under such environment, it is difficult to grow to see the bigger picture of the underlying principles in the Universe, apply them or build tools to serve humanity. Embarking on any broader nobler directions in life would be but a very remote and distant concept if one is stuck in a work rut and cyclical threadmill.
I dare not say I am experimenting with my life, but after I had come out of the usual 9-to-5 office regime had I realised there is so much else outside work. Also the faith to put in one's life that the Universe will take care of everything can only happen when you have no social security net to fall back upon. Such faith is the belief in the Providence. The Source of Providence is not money, as money is but an invention by humans. The faith is that the Source will provide for everyone, as Bucky said, the animals and nature don't have money and the eternally regenerative universe will provide for that. That Source has worked for me eversince. Fear and feelings of insecurity take us away from our faith.
Do you dare put your life as an experiment?
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