Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bucky Group 43 - Bucky's Experiment with his Life

As it is very difficult to follow what Bucky said as he mumbles in his prolonged sentences and jumped from one topic to another, I have made the transcript below. There are still some words I cannot decipher, but I think it is good enough. The headings in yellow are my attempt to summarise each paragraph.
On thinking that he has only 10 years more to live
I was 32, life insurance would ask for case for individual males born in 1895 when I was, with 42 years of age, tats life expectancy, I was 32 so I have only 10 years to go, by av. what can a little individual do with 10 years, with three billion human beings on our planet obviously you are not to get anywhere asking people to listen to me. That’s exactly when they don't listen. That’s one of the things I have learned.
Our body a result of our existence in the restrictive biosphere
On the way, I think I can be effective on behalf of the human beings is that if you are doing your own thinking, you realise the way you and I are designed and behave is completely the consequences of we finding ourselves in the biosphere (the biosphere in this particular planet). Organic biological systems are on average 50% water, human beings are 60% water. water freezes and boils within very small limits.
We Ought to Use the Principles that are Operative in the Universe
When outside the biosphere, you immediately freeze to death or burn up, so I say, the way we behave is then, in this environmental control and we say because it’s available. we breath this air because it is available, and so I said, anyway in which you and I ought to be using principles that are operative in the universe, which our minds are able to discover, as for instance the lever, where suddenly one man can lift up to what 20 men can lift to before, where you can hold out to others with the scientific principles.
To Use the Principles to Build that Bridge that Serves Humanity
Wherever extent I apply I apply principles which are operative in the universe to all the environmental conditions for humanity to make it more favorable for survival of humanity this will bring round a spontaneous behaviour as if I build a bridge beyond the roaring gorge, where there is life support on the other side across the roaring gorge and people have been risking their life trying to swim across the gorge to get whats society... .
To Use the Tools based on the Principles to Serve Humanity and NOT by Political Persuasion
I build a bridge... and I use the bridge between myself and producing artifacts and not trying to reform human beings, but to take fact of natures own revolution to reform the environment by virtue of using these tools, so I was then committing myself to try to do something for all humanity, and in 10 years, with tools and not by any political persuasion, I was completely apolitical.
But Where is the Money going to come from?
This means that I need the radial of capital capability, machinery and resources to produce the tools in certain quantities that are going to affect all humanity. I have absolutely no money. There is nobody to tell me to do what I see. How am I going to get into this fantasy as I have got a dependent wife and child, which means we got to eat tomorrow, we immediately need the food?

DO YOUR OWN THINKING... but nature doesn't have money...
So I said, alright, when I see you... doing my own thinking is the following:
  • That the animals don't have any money And the sun and wind doesn’t have any money
  • Money is some kind of invention by humans
  • I see that all colleges on the planet are inter-supportive
  • And the universe itself as we see in physics is eternally regenerative by 100% percent efficient
  • That what goes on in other planets must be in support of the regeneration universe itself
Getting rid of "has to be you or me", "earning a living..." mentality
So I see ecologies inter regenerative and it could be that I understood what human beings are here for on our planet and we are supposed to be doing in the local universe. If I were then to undertake to support and make that a success, that is to make the human beings a success themselves, get rid of the "has to be you or me ", "earning a living",... get that out of the way.
If I can commit myself to that effectively, it might be that nature will support me the way she has the humming bird supporting the other... little nests, and so forth.
An Experiment based on Absolute Faith
This is then a commitment to doing a big task on working on something on absolute faith in the integrity of the universe itself. There s a greater intelligence than the human being and that if you commit yourself to facing that, you may find that you can get on, but somebody has to make an experiment. You (himself) are ideal for it because you are penniless that you do have dependents, undertaking to see if what nature wanted done, you will find yourself getting on doing what the system says you ought to do
Somebody has to do it, and Bucky did it
And that because I have not been proven and that I represent a 52 year demonstration that it apparently can be done, I am not saying to anybody that just peel off from the system. I am saying you have to see something needs to be done and nobody else is attending to it. Which is going to take a whole lifetime and commit yourself to them and that’s alright because (if there is) anybody else who says he is doing what I am doing, I'll walk away from that because all I want to see is that that is being attended to.
Bucky solved problem using the Universe's own problem solving capability
Now, also, I want to come back to the faith business, because what I say to myself, is when I begin to do this thinking and realise is that if I was really committing myself and be supported by nature; and that I was committing myself to make human beings a success, I have been in a great design of the universe itself and unwittingly come into knowledge that it is incredibly important of other importance, it actually rides the universe own problem solving.
On Not Becoming a MR BIG
So I said, can you be trusted as individual , if and when you begin to find the great knowledge and begin to apply it, to solving problems in humanity, are you confident that when that happens , you wont suddenly be MR BIG? Can you really trust yourself to always remember you are always a throwaway, the only reason you are doing this is that you are a throwaway? Not you personally at all demonstrating that means that anything any individual could do and not engulfed alone by the system and really become completely inspired by the integrity of the greater regenerative universe.
Not about making money but making sense
So, I have been very glad to say, here we are there, that I am there. that I have found myself trustworthy and have not committed myself to allow myself to be (as I have said earlier) to be a cult leader and never to get out into making money and enormous amount come my way today AND that I never ever try to do anything about only making money or saving it - all of them (money) must go immediately back into research.
... and he managed to raise enough meony to realise a tremendous amount of technology
For the last 20 years I have been able to command enough credit to about a quarter of a million dollars for research and development. And that’s when you really knowing your way around to be tremendously effective to be able to get a tremendous amount of technology realised by virtue of this.
Isa asked, "How do we know what is needed to be done?"
This is explained in a letter in reply to a ten year old boy caled Michael, who wrote to him:
Letter dated February 16, 1970
Thank you very much for your recent letter concerning "thinkers and doers."
The things to do are:
the things that need doing: that you see need to be done, and no one else seems to see need to be done. Then you will conceive your own way of doing that which needs to be done -- that no one else has told you to do or how to do it. This will bring out the real you that often gets buried inside a character that has acquired a superficial array of behaviors induced or imposed by others on the individual.
Try making experiments of anything you conceive and are intensely interested in. Don't be disappointed if something doesn't work.
That is what you want to know -- the truth about everything -- and then the truth about combinations of things. Some combinations have such logic and integrity that they can work coherently despite non-working elements embraced by their system.
Whenever you come to a word with which you are not familiar, find it in the dictionary and write a sentence which uses that new word.
Words are tools -- and once you have learned how to use a tool you will never forget it. Just looking for the meaning of the word is not enough. If your vocabulary is comprehensive, you can comprehend both fine and large patterns of experience.
You have what is most important in life -- initiative.
Because of it, you wrote to me. I am answering to the best of my capability. You will find the world responding to your earnest initiative.
Sincerely yours,
Buckminster Fuller
I find that it is difficult to experiment with your life until you get out of the rut of full-time employment. During my time when I was going to work on a 9-to-5 basis, I was mixing around with people who are so entrenched in the limited scope of chores they are busy with and their thinking. Those thinking too were often embroiled in mundane procedures, the want to earn more money, or the mere bickering about colleagues, undesirable company practices and politics. Under such environment, it is difficult to grow to see the bigger picture of the underlying principles in the Universe, apply them or build tools to serve humanity. Embarking on any broader nobler directions in life would be but a very remote and distant concept if one is stuck in a work rut and cyclical threadmill.
I dare not say I am experimenting with my life, but after I had come out of the usual 9-to-5 office regime had I realised there is so much else outside work. Also the faith to put in one's life that the Universe will take care of everything can only happen when you have no social security net to fall back upon. Such faith is the belief in the Providence. The Source of Providence is not money, as money is but an invention by humans. The faith is that the Source will provide for everyone, as Bucky said, the animals and nature don't have money and the eternally regenerative universe will provide for that. That Source has worked for me eversince. Fear and feelings of insecurity take us away from our faith.
Do you dare put your life as an experiment?
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