Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Lunchtime in Malacca

29th May 2009
Went up to Malacca for the day. Had a very interesting conversation with my very wise friend during lunch. I don't know how we got started, but got into talking about observing our thoughts and trusting our feelings.
When do we know that our feelings are not leading us astray?
Feelings never lead us astray. We get confused after we try to logic out the feeling. Sadly we are also not taught to recognise our feelings. Instead, we have been told not to go with our feelings and stay logical. Sometimes we are not confident of our own feelings. We do not even believe what we are feeling and therefore miss out on opportunities.
For instance, when we were giving away free bottles of Metta health tonic, some people did not believe that there are no strings attached. They asked in disbelief, "What? No membership, no minimum sales, no compulsory keeping of stocks and even a free bottle to try?" "Can't be", they thought, "there must be a catch...". Such people will lose out because they have shut themselves off.
So when a feeling is heard, follow it. Sometimes, the reasons are known later, sometimes, not at all, but they will guide us to flow with the Universe.
Anyway, we should be happy no matter what. It is a bit more difficult when you have many problems, like going through a divorce, like you have just lost your job...etc. But even these unfortunate events are caused by our thoughts. There would have been a time when you may have thought, you "wished you hadn't got married", or "I am fedup with this job". They were small thoughts, but if they continued as little streams of small thoughts, they will eventually group up to become significant thought forms and take a life of their own.
When thought forms take a life of they own, they are no longer controllable by the originator of the thought. They will carry on to manifest. They have to manifest, whether they are desirable thought forms or undesirable thought forms, the universe does not make any judgments about them. All thought forms eventually manifest to become events and things.
It is akin to a rotten tree trunk under water. If you dive in the water, you only see a rotting log. You can't see the miniscule bubbles coming out from the trunk. But then, these little bubbles gather to form bigger bubbles and eventually when they reach the surface of the water, you can hear a 'bloop' of big bubble released into the air.
So watch your thoughts. They eventually become 'things'. From formless thoughts to form. Then when the form 'dies', it returns to the formless.
When we reincarnate, we no longer remember what our previous forms are.
"So what's the point of incarnation?" I asked.
Reply: "No point. Just find joy in yourself and love."
We live for our own joy. For instance, the Banyan tree just grow gloriously. It doesn't care what it serves you. If children would hang on their roots and swing... it is fine; if you use it as a shade to park your car under, ... it is fine. The Banyan tree does not pretend to live for you. It just continues to grow gloriously.
Likewise, we don't have to pretend to live for others. Just live for your own joy. So if you hear somebody saying things like,"... I got a calling to heal the world...", it is much of an ego speak. The world does not need anyone to heal.
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