Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Psychic Buster

Here is a video of James Randi talk in TED talks:
(if you have problem with the video, click here.)

I don't agree with everything he says, but include this video here as it helps readers to be more discerning and check bogus psychics out, so that they don't get cheated.
Here is my critique of his talk:
1. That what he said was mostly his opinions that we have to assume it is true to go along with his arguments, for instance, about the several occasions of what these purported psychics said in generality during 'communications with the dead'. But read on, as I have found other videos about his more substantiated investigations below.
2. How am I to know that the bottle he consumed is indeed homeopathic pills or that he had spit them out in his hands carefully and not swallowed them? He is a stage magician and conjuror after all!
3. That it is his assumption that dead people are 'dead' after the pass on. This is again his opinion and belief, as scientific studies have been done on people who had clinically died in a hospital and came back to speak about their continued consciousness. Also, there are scientific studies on reincarnation.
4. However, I would agree with him about the media putting on programmes as long as it pleases the sponsors. In any investigation, just follow the money and the sex - that'll cover 90% of the grounds.

Here is a more methodical way to bust fraudsters, where Randi tested this 'astrologer', who turned defensive quickly. But we don't know if the subjects are pre-arranged actors. Sorry. I am a bit of a nitpicker given the context. (If you can't get the video, click here.)

Here is an even better analysis. Read the subtitled comments in the video:
(if you can't get the video, click here.)

This one is more spectacular:
(If you can't get the video, click here.)


Lastly, this is a video about some evidence about reincarnation:
(if you have problems with the video, click here.)

I put up this post to urge readers to do their own thinking, and not based their beliefs on someone else's thinking and experiences.

Personally, I practise Reiki and have recently bent a spoon, without pre-bending it in preparation. I have also witnessed psychics who could give spot on detailed answers to questions they have no way of knowing, sometimes stuff that the subject himself has forgotten. But don't take my word for it unless you have experience similar and it makes sense to you.
I think where there are counterfeits, there must be the real, otherwise there is no reflection of the of the former. What do you think?
You can read about my experiences of Reiki healing here.
You can read about my spoon bending experience here.

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