Wednesday, May 02, 2007

105 Universal Laws - Part 5 (1st draft)

This posting is based on what I have learned from the "105 Universal Laws" seminar on the 22nd Apr 2007 in Singapore by Dr Aaron Lim. This seminar comprises a series of lectures conducted one Sunday a month. This is the eighth lecture of the series. The second last of the series.
Warning: This posting contains opinions that may be considered unacceptable by some people. If you are easily offended by unconventional views about religion and spiritualism, then DO NOT READ FURTHER THAN HERE. If you do, then do it at your own risk! If you do not agree with the views expressed below, it does not mean that you have not 'arrived', rather it just mean that you 'do not agree'. Meanwhile, try to be open. There are lots to discover about ourselves when we are open. Do feel free to leave comments. BELIEVING IS NOT NECESSARY!

Good morning all, thank you for coming here every month to listen to this forum. You have come here because you choose to. This is a free forum. There is nothing to join. There is no hidden agenda, so just relax. Belief is not compulsory, there is no punishment for non-belief.
We live our lives in our own belief system. Even 'not believing' in itself is a belief. When our beliefs are challenged, we can be uncomfortable. For instance, when I was a student in the United States, it was the time of the Vietnam War. I had problems with the White people sometimes. There was an instance when I was trying to look for a motel room.
The "Vacancy" sign was on, but when I asked, ...
...the landlord, said, "Sorry, we have no rooms tonight!".
Then I said, "But you had your vacancy sign on..."
He replied, "Yes, but now we don't have rooms..."
I said, "You have rooms, but you are not letting it to me."
He replied, "I won't let it to any Vietnamese"
I said, "But I'm not Vietnamese, I am from Malaysia"
He replied, "You are all the same..."
You see, the landlord already had a belief system in him that he refused to change. Later on, I learn that he had a son killed in combat in Vietnam.
The point is not to live life so defined that there is no room for anything else.
We all come to this life with previous experiences. Many don't change since the day we are born, and when we encounter new experiences, we feel uncomfortable. So there is no growth, and we come back to earth again until we are free from the earth.
The Malays for instance are very proud of, Bangsar, Ugama and Bahasa (Nation, Religion and Language), and as a result they do not speak other languages and do not adapt very well in foreign countries. The Chinese conversely, are very adaptable. Everywhere you go, you will find the Chinese speaking the local language, whilst keeping their cultures at home.
We all come here for the same mission, though outwardly we may appear different. Our minds lead us to where we want to go. When our minds are strong enough we will get what we ask for. Life is extremely fair. Of course desires fluctuates with time and also change in priority over time - just like the sound indicators on your hi-fi set, where the light bars fluctuate up and down every second.
[Question from the floor: So does it mean that if I think of money, I will get money?
Answer: No you won't, because your desires come from the thoughts of 'lack'. And therefore you will get 'lack' (of money). ]
So, we are not only a body. We have a spirit.
Some of us are afraid of ghosts/spirits, but we are also spirits. To the ghost living in a different dimension, we are the ghosts.
As we sleep and our spirits are free, we forget about religion. When we let go of religion, we are free. Religions are man-made. More importantly, we check ourselves by asking if we are more loving today than yesterday.
Also, check how much separation to we practise, because where there is no love, there is fear and eventually 'separation'. Our level of love is our level of God.
There are many people without religions, but are very inclusive. Religion are like culinary school, it has presentation, but more importantly, we should focus on the nutrition.
When our days are over, there is no religion.
There is no permanent state, so do not grasp. There is a difference between having strong desires and 'grasping'. The latter is based on 'lack'. It is akin to grasping for any breath of air or the any piece of flotsam when one is drowning in water.
The first law of the Universe is the Law of Change. Even languages have changed. The Malay language has changed. English has changed. Look at SMS languages, even PhD people may have problem understanding SMS languages sent by kids!
Law of Karma
Before I go on with the other Universal Laws, I would like to go through with you again the Law of Karma. This is the major law, though all laws applies simultaneously. The Law of Karma is the law of Cause and Effect. Causes are effects of previous causes. Effects in turn will become causes of further effects.
There are Individual Karma and Group Karma. Group Karma comes in a 'package'. For instance if you yearn to be a Malay in your previous embodiment, you may end up as a Malay in this embodiment, but also most likely to be a Muslim, though you did not choose to be a Muslim. That is, individuals get the effect of the group.
In the aftermath of the recent Virginia Tech massacre, Koreans will be perceived unfavorably by the Americans, since the murderer was a South Korean. Some Americans may even harbour ill feelings about East Asians in general. So if you are Chinese, you fall into the Group Karma.
Karma can take effect very fast or very slow. It can take thousands of years. Seeds discovered from ancient tombs when planted started to sprout and grow. They couldn't grow in the tomb because the different pieces for action were not together yet. But once, there sunlight, water and air, the seeds started to grow. The cause for growth was already in the seed waiting for the effect. It is the same for our daily actions. Some effects will come later when the environmental conditions are ripe.
Karma has no hold on us if we are not attached to the effects.
[Question: But how about physical pain? Isn't it difficult to ignore these types of effects?
Answer: True. It is difficult to ignore. But have you ever have a pain in your body and then suddenly a big truck came quickly around the corner so near you that you have to duck and jump away from it. What happened then? The pain disappeared momentarily. Where did the pain go? Then when the commotion is over, the pain came back. So the pain is not even real.]
Plant your seeds for desired effects. Be loving, but don't make bonds of each other (attachment).
Start the day with love.
Go through the day with love.
End the day with love.
56. Law of meditation.
This is the other half of prayer. Meditation is not just sitting positions. It is to see life as it is. To cut the illusions, to dwell within, to be still and allow God to talk to you.
Live your life by listening to God. You will hear a message to "Come Home". God does not talk as in human conversation. They tend to be very short. In meditation, we listen to the voice that guides us.
We are all Assemblers not Creators. We can be co-creators. My parents didn't create me. If they did, I would carry their thoughts, but no, I have my own thoughts. Our children are not created by us. We facilitated them to come to this world. They came here after some 'heavy-breathing' in the night between two persons. :)
We talk to God as a God in ourselves. It is the God in me honoring the God in you. All relationships are God relationships.
The beginning of the Chinese language version of the bible is well translated. It said, "In the beginning there is ONE, ONE makes TWO, TWO makes THREE, and THREE makes ALL."
[My own notes:
The THREE are: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit OR Thoughts, Manifest and Love.]
57. The Law of Mentalism
"The ALL is the MIND". The All is substantial reality underlying the outward manifestations and appearances which we know are empirical.
All things begin and end in the mind.
If you believe you are the doer, ego kicks in. If not, the power greater than you guides you.
58. The Law of Miracles
This law is operable by any person who has realised that the essence of creation is light. A master is able to employ his/her divine knowledge of light phenomena to project instantly into perceptible manifestation the ubiquitous light atoms. The actual form is determined by the master's wish and by his/her powers of will and visualisation.
Miracles are natural happenings. They happen to miracle minds.
59. The Law of Monadic Return
This law concerns the 'force of evolution'. Monad = Soul.
60. The Law of No Judgments
The Universal Spirit does not judge us; judgments are human inventions, a means to compare, contrast and control as we judge ourselves against artificial, and often idealistic standards of perfection, morality and truth. Under the law of equalities, our judgments attract judgment to us in equal measure. The life/karmic review conducted by yourself after death is a condition of living in duality/third dimension.
61. Law of Non-Attachment
Attachment to the self creates karma. Non-attachment to the self dissolves karma. This non-attachment to the self is made possible through the realisation that the ultimate nature of the self is Empty. The self does not exist as a separate entity. A full conceptual understanding needs to occur, but mere conceptual understanding does not lead to liberation. Many methods have been devised to help human beings attain this realisation, and usually fall into two categories. The first is 'non-attached behaviour' and the other is called 'spiritual practice'. Through diligent application of these methods, an individual can free himself or herself from the confines of karmically determined existence. Enlightenment is real and attainable.
Everything is changing and so we should not be attached to anything.
Watch the movie, "What Dreams May Come", starring Robin Williams.
62. The Law of Non-Intervention
This law concerns the individual rights of people and society situations to serve self rather than live in the vibration of service to others. This law prevents physical beings and non-physical biengs from intervening or correcting what they see as wrong or harmful. If this law is violated, there is great karma incurring. Another aspect of this law is that spirit is not permitted to channel material to a recipient that would froce a change in the evolution of the person. There is an exception when the channeler is willing to undergo a trance, and the consciousness leaves the body for another consciousness to enter and impart knowledge that was previously unknown to the individual.
A person that cries with you, buys into your pain. He is delusioned.
[Question: But isn't it painful to see someone suffering and yet not helping? Should we advise that person?
Answer: Only if they ask.]
63 The Law of One
The Lord is ONE. All that is, is His - of self, of the universe, of the activities in the earth. All moves and has its being in Him. So it is in self. Life itself is the consciousness, the awareness of the Oneness of that Universal Consciousness in the earth.
64. The Law of Order of Creation
The beginning of law carries all the way through. And that which comes or begins first is conceived in spirit, grows in the mental and manifests in the material. First, it was the means and source or manner by which the powers that be made the centralisation for making known to the children of men, and children of God, the directing forces or powers. Man eventually turned into this into that channel for destructive forces. While man developed in this direction for many centuries, humans are leaning towards light. We are reaching toward the critical point of more in the light than in darkness.
65. The Law of Patience
Luke said, "In your presence possess ye your souls." Patience involves spiritual, mental and physical thought and action. Through it, we learn to know our self, to measure and test our ideals, to use faith and to seek understanding through all the other virtues. Patience allows all other virtues to manifest more profoundly. Patiently we realise that any fault we see in another is one we have personal knowledge of from prior experience. Patiently we seek true understanding, not just knowledge, as we realise that every soul is totally unique and will come to its enlightenment in its own time.
Impatience is the body trying to join (or keep up) with the mind. We experience least joy due to impatience. Due to ego, we think we can make things happen.
66. The Law of Patterns
Any habit or pattern, whether we call it good or bad, tends to reassert itself over time unless we break that pattern by doing something different. If it is good, we can reinforce the pattern with small self rewards. We have the power of spontaneous action, doing old things in new ways, changing and restructuring our lives and our behaviour. Some of our chantge ability is dictated by the ways we learned when we were young. We learned to make sense of the world by observing patterns, and this has survival value. We can correct the patterns we see as dysfunctional, negative or destructive by doing something different that will have sufficient impact to interrupt the old pattern.
By habit we build patterns. Some of these patterns can be built into our genes for survival reasons.
67. The Law of Perfection
This law concerns the absolute perfection of the process of our unfolding. From a transcendental perspective, everyone and everything is unconditionally perfect. From a conventional viewpoint, perfection doesn't exist. Excellence is the best we can achieve, and achieving it takes time and patience. When we understand the larger picture, we understand our role and responsibility in helping the world we live in to become more loving, giving, kinder and gentler. When we live up to this responsibility, we expand into the perfection of our higher selves.
68. The Law of Periodicity
Training for the aspirant will be cyclic, and will have its ebb and flow, as all else in nature. Times of activity succeed times of pralya, and periods of registered contact alternate with periods of apparent silence. If the student devleops as desired , each palayic period is succeeded by one of greater activity, and of more potent achievement. Rhythm, ebb and flow, and the measured beat of the pulsating life are ever the law of the universe. In learning to respond to the vibration of th high Places, this rhythmic periodicity must be borne in mind.
Earth is entering another cycle, the Age of Aquarius, by year 2012. There will be more yin and heart.
69. The Law of Planetary Affinity
This law is concerned with the connection and the interaction of the planets with each other and their eventual marriage.
70. The Law of Polarity
Everything is Dual. Everything has poles. Everything has its pairs of opposites. Like and unlike are the same. Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree. All paradoxes may be reconciled. The evidence of the principle is observed in the polarity of planets and various celestial bodies that includes our earth, solar system and galaxy. Everything has polarity. Without the law of polarity - light, gravity and electricity would not be possible.
On the mental plane, this principle manifests itself in the heart centre of each person as the enlightened or dark mind. The Principle of Polarity makes possible the choices we make on the scale of life between good and evil, right and wrong, generosity and greed, love and fear, truth and lies. The law of cause and effect is closely connected to polarity and holds us true to the choices and actions we make by returning to us what we have measured out to ohters. Like the swing of the pendulum, it always returns where it began.
This is the world of Duality. Go beyond this law to be unified.
71. The Law of Prayer and Meditation
In prayer, talk God to God. Not beggar to God. Do not beg. Do not pray for blessings as you are already blessed. Transform yourself to match what you want to be. You can only have what you already are. Express gratitude to what you already have. There is no need to change religion to have what you want.
Thou shall not use the name of God in vain.
eg. People who hide behind religion in business.
[Personal note: I have recently met a christian pastor/businessman who was extremely rude and arrogant when he met us. He said that has no friends on earth and his only friend is Him. And all these he said has nothing to do with the deal we were suppose to discuss about. We felt unnecessarily harrassed.]
People who are very at ease with God, do not talk about God.
In prayer, ask God what we can do for God and listen to what he wants. You may be mentally stretched on that. :)
72. The Law of Present Moment
To live in the present moment, we live moment by moment, as spirit extends and ego projects.
Go with the flow.
73. The Law of Process
This is the creative law. We are created in the image of the creator.
74. The Law of Progress
If there is no progress, we whither and die. It is the same if you seemingly doing something to pretend there is progress.
Have you ever tried staying in bed and watching DVD the whole day? How did it feel like?
[Someone from the floor: "Horrible, rotten".]
75. The Law of Prophecy
There is no such thtng as the "last prophet". Religions say that to create monopoly through fear.
I AM that I AM.
The mention of "sinner" keeps you small for control, and that you do not have in you to talk to God. Thus God is spoken to through the religious leader. That is entirely false.
Nobody can bless you. Only you yourself can.
How fast can you bless yourself?
Instantly - According to the law of present moment.
We need spiritual guidance. Some through religion. It is like a staircase without guide rails on its side. We walk close to the side where the wall is with our hands touching the wall as we walk down. Touching the wall is only a "feel good" feeling. Actually, it doesn't make any difference whether you walk down touching the wall or not.
Bomohs do the same. After giving the advice, they give you a physical object as a point of focus. Once you are well, they take the object away. Actually, you did not need the object to heal other than to focus.
Everyone is a prophet.
76. The Law of Radiation
This means going 'outwards'. Transform and radiate. There is nowhere to go to, nothing to look for, it is all there.
"When your eyes are single, your body shall be filled with light."
That means that you no longer see the world in duality.
And like a beacon on the hill, they will see you from afar.
Separate Jesus from the church.
Separate Buddha from the temple.
77. The Law of Rebirth
You never ever die. Energy can't be created or destroyed. It changes from form to form.
78. The Law of Rebound
No matter what you do, all will be alright.
79. The Law of Repulse
This law does not work independently, but complementarily with the Law of Attraction.
80. The Law of Responsibility
It was God's idea to separate, to give our soul existence. It was our idea to go away from God into materiality with the original purpose of profound and speedy soul growth. There are some souls who have experienced, to some degree, soul loss. God is responsible for us through love and we are responsible to become or reclaim this divine love. Once we establish the limits and boundaries of our responsibility, we can take full charge of that which is our duty and let go of that which is not. We find more enjoyment supporting others as we create more harmonious co-operative relationships by understanding that which falls within our realm of responsibility. Under this law we understand a person's need to over co-operate to such an extent that one becomes codependent - the condition which is obsessive focus on other people's lives. This law reminds us to respect our internal values and find our own point of balance.
We are responsible for our own life, not the life of others.
[Personal note: I found this from the Internet...
Once we establish the limits and boundaries of our responsibility,we can take full charge of that which is our duty and let go of that which is not;in doing so, we find more enjoyment supporting others,as we create more harmonious cooperative relationships.
For peace of mind,we need to resignas general manager of the universe.
--Larry Eisenberg ]
You can see we go through some laws in more detail than the others, as some are more important. Next month, we are going to finish discussing about the remaining laws.
Seminar ends here. Nobody fell into the $5 fine for raising questions pertaining to 'other people'. The point of the fine is to instill a habit of thinking by ourselves for ourselves and not unduely bothered by other people's thoughts. Seems that the fine is working well. Very Singaporean! :)
[My notes: The 105 Universal Laws can be found in
Past posts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Next seminar

Date: 27 May 2007
Time: 9.30am to 5pm
Place: Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Lecture Theatre 1, Singapore
Fee: $30, for meals and drinks
All Welcome!
All financial surpluses from the seminar go to the orphanages that Dr Aaron Lim supports.

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