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Monday, August 24, 2009

Experiencing Inner Power and Protection - by Didi Nirmala

Date: 20 Aug 2009
Time: 7.30 pm
Place: Peninsula-Excelsior Hotel, Singapore
Speaker: Didi Nirmala, Brahma Kumaris
This talk is written as the first person for better readability. It is not an ad-verbatim recording of the talk.
When we listen to the world news today, there are a lot of sad news. So we ask ourselves, "Are we protected?". How do we fortify ourselves? How do we feel stable? How can we still feel powerful?
There is less safety in our life. Life has become more complicated. There are more problems in our society. We have the financial crisis, many people lose their jobs, their investments (money) and don't know what to do. We are also afraid to travel with the H1N1 epidemic. Diseases are also on the increase. There can also be accidents on the roadways. It used to be that neighbours invading one's country, but now you have terrorists inflicting damages in their own country. So, you may not be safe in your own country. There are also natural calamities. This has caused some problems for the minister in Taiwan. There are also cases of fathers abusing their children and children being kidnapped to be sold for prostitution.
So we don't know where we are going. Are we human beings or devilish beings? It is said that dogs only bark at other dogs, but dogs don't eat dogs.
We need inner power to face these difficulties. If we don't have the inner power, we get angry, because we feel powerless or helpless. So how is it that some people are more tolerant?
We need the inner power for inner protection. We know about external power. People with external power have trained themselves to prepare for the position. There are many courses for those.
Inner strength by the result of meditation and wisdom. I have to help myself. Do something about issues and challenges, and not blame. If we focus on our negative aspects and don't love ourselves, we cannot expect others to love us. So we have to develop techniques to see our positive sides. Start loving ourselves. Society puts people down and this has resulted in people having a lack of self-esteem. If you have self-esteem, it doesn't matter what others say about you.
Self development is as important as physical development.
[ 5 minute meditation break ]
Who am I?
How can I empower myself?
For the physical body, I know how to, but how about my mind?
Sometimes, it appears that I am not under my own control.
My sense organs are not under my control. I don't want to eat something, but I end up eating them. I don't want to get angry, worry...etc, but end up doing so.
How do I stay in control?
I can by connecting myself to the source of energy. Same as the cables, light bulbs, etc in this room. They need to connect to the power station.
Otherwise, if you are among happy people, you are happy. Then if you are among sad people, you become sad. You can't rely on others to be happy.
There is someone who said that he has no time to meditate. Then he said that he will give five minutes to meditate before he goes to work. Then he kept coming for more as he enjoys it. As you meditate your efficiency improves with your power to discern and you become more loving and get more cooperation. So even work becomes easier.
Question: When you first begin, it is very hard to control your thoughts and the mind starts to wonder. How can we avoid this wandering?
Reply: Meditation is not to stop thinking, but thinking in the correct direction. For starters, you may like to prepare to be relaxed before the meditation and use commentary CDs to guide you.
Question: It is said that 2012 is the end of the world. What do you of that and what do you think we should do?
Reply: Whether the world is coming to an end or not, we must all be ever-ready to die. You never know when is your time. There is no guarantee that you will live tomorrow.
Question: There are many techniques of meditation. Many do with eyes closed. Your technique is an open eye technique. How important is it to do it with eyes open? How important is it to keep the eyes open?
Reply: There are many techniques with different focus and philosophy. With eyes shut you are more restricted, as you need to be sitting down somewhere to meditate. With open eyes, you can meditate anytime.


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