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Like to listen to what goes on behind the scenes in film making or acting straight from an actor? Click here.

A Reunion Dinner with a secret to hide. Click here.

Have you taken all the modern comforts for granted? Behind every modern device there is the technology and with them comes the management and risks. Interested to find out what goes on below the hood? Click here.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Comedy - Patience

Do you get angry with 'stupid people'?
I do. But less so nowadays. I used to be really really angry with 'stupid' people. Why don't they use their brains? or commonsense...etc?
Well, there are many reasons for that, which we won't analyse exhaustively here.
Take a look at the following videos of the infamous Ali G on Youtube.

Here's the same person, Sasha Baron Cohen, explaining what he did as Ali G, the character he played, which is a rapper wannabe from Buckshire, UK, mocking important people and what they do.


So, take life seriously, but not too seriously. Life is a game. Enjoy it!
Oh, by the way, the actor himself is a graduate from Cambridge University and not stupid at all!

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