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Like to listen to what goes on behind the scenes in film making or acting straight from an actor? Click here.

A Reunion Dinner with a secret to hide. Click here.

Have you taken all the modern comforts for granted? Behind every modern device there is the technology and with them comes the management and risks. Interested to find out what goes on below the hood? Click here.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Kids Play 15 - Colours

It's difficult to teach Hadri about colours when he was two and a half.
Me (pointing to a leaf): Hadri, this colour is green. Now what is the colour?
Hadri: Colour.
Me: No, I mean, what is the colour? The colour... is it 'green', 'blue' or 'red'?
Hadri: Colour.
Haiz. I was a little concerned. It is one thing getting confused with colours, but yet another not understanding even the concept of colours!!! Alarms!!!
As we strolled down the path in the woods, I saw some bramberries and decided to use them to illustrate to Hadri.
Me (pointing to the black bramberries and very slowly...): Now this bramberry is BLACK.
Hadri (suddenly interested): Yes, black ones can be eaten, red ones can't be!
I was stunned and speechless! So he knew it all along!!! It all comes down to 'motivation' isn't it?
Sometimes I wonder what goes on in their little heads.
It would be wonderful if we know exactly what goes on.


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