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A Reunion Dinner with a secret to hide. Click here.

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Environment 7 - Global Warming?

By now, many of you are probably convinced that the global climate is warming up. The famous Al-Gore documentary, "The Inconvenient Truth" (which I did a private screening last year to a small group), sold the idea that the world is warming and that there are disasters looming.
Is that really true?
Some prominent scientists believe otherwise. This video shows how they substantiate their claims against the rise in global temperature due to the build-up of carbon-dioxide in the Earth's stratosphere.

So what do you think?
Do you think you have been sold FEAR?
If it is so, what do you think is the motivation for selling this FEAR?
Is it to support a set of expensive policies that will benefit some people peddling solutions to the perceived problems?
If carbon-dioxide is not the culprit for temperature rise, what will happen to the proposed carbon-credit exchange? Will it work?
I think, we should clean up the air and water ways against pollution, that are detrimental to our health. At the same time, we should remain open to other scientific evidence against the (now) mainstream perception that climate change is largely due to the amount of carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere.
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