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Like to listen to what goes on behind the scenes in film making or acting straight from an actor? Click here.

A Reunion Dinner with a secret to hide. Click here.

Have you taken all the modern comforts for granted? Behind every modern device there is the technology and with them comes the management and risks. Interested to find out what goes on below the hood? Click here.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Strange! Many things seem well lined up in the last few days.
Last week, a friend explained to me what jatropha is and on the next day, another friend contacted me out of the blue to tell me that he knows of people growing the crop and that they may need help in looking for funds.
The day after in a party, another friend introduced to me her two friends - one of them a trained environmental engineer, which fits in well with my environmental technology business and the other, a lady from Chengdu, Sichuan, China. The next day, I was introduced to a businessman from Chengdu, by another friend.
In last weekend's Personal Planet workshop, we ended crafting plans for social enterprises. A fortnight before, the facilitator of another workshop identified that I will be going into the creation of social enterprises.
Distilling it all, the keywords for me to watch out for seems to be 'Environment', 'Chengdu', 'Social enterprise' and 'Jatropha'. We will see what comes out next.
Do you have such experiences before?

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